Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of LicenseAgreements/SoftwareLicenseAgreement

peterc (IP:
01/09/08 12:25:54 (10 years ago)



  • LicenseAgreements/SoftwareLicenseAgreement

    v3 v4  
    2121   IT IS AGREED as follows: 
    23     1. Definitions 
     23    1. Definitions 
    2525   In this Agreement, unless inconsistent with the context or otherwise 
    9292   "Website" means the libRocket website located at www.[4] 
    94     2. Grant of Licence 
    96          1. Upon payment of any applicable Licence Fee or in the event no 
    97             Licence Fee is payable pursuant to clause 5.1, on any use being 
    98             made of the Software, ("Commencement Date") the Licensor grants 
    99             to the Licensee subject to the terms and conditions contained in 
    100             this Agreement, a non-exclusive licence for the use of the 
    101             Software in relation to the Project ("Licence"). Subject to the 
    102             payment of any applicable Licence Fee as provided for in clause 
    103             5, the Licence allows the Licensee to use the Software for the 
    104             Licensee's own internal purposes in relation to the Project 
    105             including as applicable in the course of the Licensee's ordinary 
    106             business activities as they relate to the Project and also to 
    107             incorporate the Software into products related to the Project 
    108             offered for sale or for free use to the public ("Products") by 
    109             the Licensee, provided that the Software is not the main 
    110             component of such Products and such Products do not provide for 
    111             the Software to be directly accessed and utilised in its own 
    112             right. 
    114          2. The Licence shall not entitle the Licensee to have access to the 
    115             Source Code in respect of the Software or to create or to attempt 
    116             to create the same. 
    118     3. Licence Term 
    120          1. The Licence shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall 
    121             continue until terminated in accordance with the provisions of 
    122             this Agreement ("Term"). 
    124          2. Under no circumstance will the Licensee be entitled to grant a 
    125             sub-licence in respect of the Licence or any part of the Licence 
    126             or otherwise deal with its rights and obligations in respect of 
    127             the Licence. 
    129     4. Support and Maintenance Services Term 
    131          1. The Support and Maintenance Services shall commence on the 
    132             Commencement Date and shall continue until the end of the Term. 
    134     5. Payment 
    136          1. In the event that the Licensee uses the Software only for their 
    137             own personal use or where the Products are distributed for free 
    138             in a Very Low Volume, the Licensee will not be required to pay a 
    139             Licence Fee to the Licensor but in return for the benefit the 
    140             Licensee receives from using the Software the Licensee 
    141             acknowledges that they will at all times still be bound by the 
    142             terms of this Agreement. 
    144          2. In the event that the Licensee incorporates the Software into 
    145             Products, but such Products are sold in Very Low Volume, the 
    146             Licensee will only be required to pay a Licence Fee of two  
    147             hundred and fifty United States dollars ($250.00 USD). 
    149          3. To qualify for the Licence Fee exception pursuant to clause 5.1 
    150             or the Licence Fee outlined in clause 5.2, the Licensee must also 
    151             ensure that: 
    153                1. they are an individual or partnership and not a registered 
    154                   company; 
    156                2. the Project to which the Licence is to apply produces 
    157                   Products that are of a shareware or hobby type nature and 
    158                   which if sold are sold for ten New Zealand dollars or less 
    159                   ($NZ10.00); and 
    161                3. they obtain the approval of the Licensor that the Project 
    162                   to which the Licence is to apply comes within the terms of 
    163                   clauses 5.1 or 5.2 as applicable and clauses 5.3.1 and 
    164                   5.3.2. 
    166          4. In the event that the Licensee incorporates the Software into 
    167             Products which are sold or distributed for free in any volumes 
    168             greater than Very Low Volumes the Licensee will be required to 
    169             pay a Licence Fee of three thousand United States dollars ($3000.00 USD). 
    171          5. It is the Licensee's responsibility to ensure they have paid any 
    172             applicable Licence Fee provided for in clauses 5.2 and 5.4 prior 
    173             to making any use of the Software. Once paid the Licence Fee is 
    174             non-refundable and the Licensor may terminate or suspend any 
    175             Licence granted pursuant to this Agreement immediately on notice 
    176             to the Licensee in the event any applicable Licence Fees due as 
    177             defined in clauses 5.2 and 5.4 are unpaid and the Licensee will 
    178             also indemnify the Licensor on demand for any direct and indirect 
    179             costs of any nature whatsoever reasonably incurred by the 
    180             Licensor in the course of securing the payment of any such unpaid 
    181             Licence Fees. 
    183          6. The Licensee shall pay the Licence Fee to the Licensor by way of 
    184             credit card payment in the manner provided for via the Website. 
    186          7. The Licence Fee is exclusive of any applicable Taxes including 
    187             without limitation Goods and Services Tax ("GST") pursuant to the 
    188             Goods and Services Tax Act 1985. 
    190          8. Notwithstanding clause 5.7 in the event that the Licensee is or 
    191             becomes liable to pay or otherwise account for any Taxes, the 
    192             payment of any amounts due under this Agreement will be adjusted 
    193             to ensure that after the payment or accounting for of such Taxes 
    194             the Licensor will receive the original amount that was due to it 
    195             under this Agreement. 
    197     6. Delivery 
    199      1. The Licensee shall download the Software from the Website. 
    201     7. Support and Maintenance Services 
    203      1. During the Term the Licensor shall upon receipt of a Support Request 
    204         provide the Licensee with the following Support and Maintenance 
    205         Services by email in the following manner: 
    207        1. Where an Error occurs the Licensee shall supply in writing to the 
    208           Licensor a detailed description of the Error requiring Error 
    209           Correction and the circumstances in which it arose, and shall 
    210           submit sufficient material and information to enable the Licensor 
    211           to duplicate the Error, following which the Licensor will provide 
    212           Error Correction in respect of the Error. 
    214        4. Exclusions: 
    216         a. The Licensor shall be under no obligation to provide Support and 
    217            Maintenance Services in respect of: 
    219         i. any defects or errors resulting from any modifications or 
    220            customisation of the Software made by any other person other than 
    221            the Licensor; 
    223         ii. incorrect or unauthorised use of the Software or operator error 
    224             where these are defined as use or operation not in accordance 
    225             with the Documentation; 
    227         iii. any fault in the Equipment or in any programs used in 
    228              conjunction with the Software; 
    230         iv. any defects or errors caused by the use of the Software on or 
    231             with any Equipment which is not approved in writing by the 
    232             Licensor or in conjunction with any other software which is not 
    233             approved in writing by the Licensor; 
    235         v. any software or programs other than the Software; 
    237         vi. any other of the Licensee's computer hardware, other equipment, 
    238             or any data feeds or external data; and 
    240         vii. the Licensee's failure to install and use upon the Equipment in 
    241              substitution for the previous release any new release of the 
    242              Software which includes updates or bug fixes in respect of the 
    243              Licensee's version of the Software within 90 days of such new 
    244              release of the Software being available for download from the 
    245              Website. 
    247      1. The Licensor will respond to any Support Request by email within 48 
    248         hours of its receipt and will attempt to provide the required Support 
    249         and Maintenance Services within the same time period. 
    251      2. In addition to making use of the Support and Maintenance Services 
    252         provided for in clauses 7.1 and 7.2 the Licensee is also entitled to 
    253         make use of the Forums on such the terms and conditions as are 
    254         specified on the Website from time to time in respect of use of the 
    255         Forums. 
    257      3. Notwithstanding clauses 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3, the Licensee acknowledges 
    258         that in the event they are not required to pay a Licence Fee as 
    259         provided for by clause 5.1, the Licensee will not be entitled to make 
    260         use of the Support and Maintenance Services as described in clauses 
    261         7.1 and 7.2 but will be entitled to make use of the Forums as 
    262         provided for by clause 7.3. 
    264     8. New Releases 
    266      1. During the Term the Licensor shall notify the Licensee by email, 
    267         where the Licensee has registered on the Website to receive such 
    268         notification, of any new release of the Software that is available 
    269         for download from the Website. 
    271      2. Notwithstanding clause 8.1, although the Licensee will be entitled to 
    272         download any new releases of the Software as part of the Support and 
    273         Maintenance Services, for the avoidance of doubt the Licensee will 
    274         not be entitled to download and use any later version of the Software 
    275         without paying a further applicable Licence Fee as defined in clauses 
    276         5.2 and 5.4 in respect of that new version of the Software. 
    278      3. In the event of any confusion as to whether a new release of the 
    279         Software is actually a new version of the Software the Licensor's 
    280         decision shall be final. 
    282      1. The Licensor may from time to time, acting entirely at its own 
    283         discretion, make such modifications to the current release of the 
    284         Software as shall ensure that the current release conforms to any 
    285         legal requirements or change of legislation. In the event that the 
    286         Licensor acting reasonably does not believe that it is technically 
    287         possible or commercially justifiable for it to make such 
    288         modifications then the Licensor shall be entitled to terminate this 
    289         Agreement on 30 days written notice to the Licensee. Where the 
    290         Licensor does make modifications to the current release of the 
    291         Software ("Modified Software") in accordance with the terms of this 
    292         Agreement, the Licensor shall make such Modified Software available 
    293         for download from the Website. The Licensee shall be required to as 
    294         soon as reasonably possible adopt such Modified Software. Failure by 
    295         the Licensee to adopt such Modified Software within 90 days of any 
    296         such new release of the Software being made available for download 
    297         from the Website, shall entitle the Licensor to terminate this 
    298         Agreement immediately on written notice to the Licensee. 
    300      2. Any new release of the Software or Modified Software adopted by the 
    301         Licensee shall become the current release and the provisions of this 
    302         Agreement shall apply accordingly. 
    304     9. Licensee's Obligations 
    306          1. The Licensee shall operate the Software in accordance with the 
    307             Specification and Documentation. 
    309    10. Restrictions on Alterations 
    311          1. If the Software within the Licensee's control pursuant to the 
    312             Licence is modified or altered by the Licensee, the Licensee will 
    313             fully indemnify the Licensor against all liability which may be 
    314             incurred by the Licensor if such modifications or alterations 
    315             infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of a third person or 
    316             otherwise cause the Licensor to suffer loss, damages or expense. 
    318          2. The Software within the Licensee's control pursuant to the 
    319             Licence remains the property of the Licensor in all respects. 
    321    11. Security and Control 
    323          1. The Licensee shall during the continuance of the Licence effect 
    324             and maintain security measures in accordance with accepted 
    325             industry standards to safeguard the Software from access or use 
    326             by any unauthorised person. 
    328    12. Proprietary Rights 
    330          1. The Product Materials and the Intellectual Property Rights of 
    331             whatever nature in the Product Materials (excluding any third 
    332             party rights in respect of Third Party Software) are and shall 
    333             remain the property of the Licensor. 
    335          2. The Licensee shall notify the Licensor immediately if the 
    336             Licensee becomes aware of any unauthorised use of the whole or 
    337             any part of the Product Materials by any person. 
    339          3. The Third Party Software at all times remains the property of the 
    340             applicable third party and the Licensee's use of such Third Party 
    341             Software is at all times governed by the provisions of any 
    342             applicable licence relating to any such Third Party Software. 
    344    13. Intellectual Property Rights 
    346          1. The Licensee acknowledges that the Licence granted pursuant to 
    347             clause 2 does not grant any transfer of title or ownership to the 
    348             Licensee of any Licensor's Intellectual Property Rights including 
    349             without limitation in the Product Materials. The Licensee's right 
    350             to use the Licensor's Intellectual Property Rights as provided 
    351             for in this Agreement will cease upon the termination of this 
    352             Agreement or as otherwise provided for in this clause 13. 
    354          2. The Licensee acknowledges that the grant of the Licence or any 
    355             other terms of this Agreement do not in any way confer any right 
    356             or licence upon the Licensee to use, exploit or otherwise utilise 
    357             any rights relating to the Licensor's Intellectual Property 
    358             Rights other than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 
    360          3. The Licensee agrees not to represent in any way that it has any 
    361             title, right or interest in the ownership of the Licensor's 
    362             Intellectual Property Rights nor do anything which might be 
    363             contrary to the rights or interest of the Licensor in its 
    364             Intellectual Property Rights nor seek to apply to register in its 
    365             own name or that of any third party any part of the Licensor's 
    366             Intellectual Property Rights and will assist the Licensor in any 
    367             application to register any such Intellectual Property Rights 
    368             belonging to the Licensor at the cost of the Licensor. 
    370          4. The Licensee agrees with the Licensor that it will notify the 
    371             Licensor in writing as soon as practicable of any infringement, 
    372             suspected infringement or alleged infringement relating to the 
    373             Licensor's Intellectual Property Rights which comes to its 
    374             knowledge provided that the Licensee will be deemed to have 
    375             knowledge of any infringement, suspected infringement or alleged 
    376             infringement if such infringement would have come to the 
    377             Licensee's knowledge but for any negligence or wilful misconduct 
    378             on the part of the Licensee. 
    380          5. In the event that proceedings are brought or threatened by a 
    381             third party against the Licensee or the Licensor, alleging that 
    382             the Licensee's use of the Product Materials constitutes an 
    383             infringement of a third party's Intellectual Property Rights, the 
    384             Licensor may at its option and at its own expense conduct the 
    385             defence of such proceedings. As requested by the Licensor the 
    386             Licensee shall provide all necessary co-operation, information 
    387             and assistance to the Licensor in the conduct of the defence of 
    388             such proceedings. 
    390          6. In the circumstances provided for in clause 13.5, but also where 
    391             the Licensor acting entirely at its own discretion believes that 
    392             there is a reasonable likelihood that infringement may currently 
    393             exist or is likely to occur, the Licensee agrees with the 
    394             Licensor that it will permit the Licensor, acting entirely in the 
    395             Licensor's discretion to; 
    397        1. modify, alter or substitute the infringing or potentially 
    398           infringing part of the Product Materials, at the Licensor's expense 
    399           in order to avoid the infringement or potential infringement; or 
    401        5. procure for the Licensee the authority to continue with the use and 
    402           possession of the infringing or potentially infringing part of the 
    403           Product Materials. 
    405      7. If the remedies set out in clause 13.6 above are not in the 
    406         Licensor's opinion reasonably available, then the Licensor shall be 
    407         entitled to terminate the Licence and this Agreement immediately on 
    408         written notice to the Licensee at which point the Licensee shall 
    409         destroy all copies of the Product Materials within its possession and 
    410         provide a written certificate from one of the Licensee's directors to 
    411         the Licensor that such copies have been destroyed provided that the 
    412         Licensor shall be entitled to enter upon the Licensee's premises to 
    413         repossess any copies of the Product Materials in the possession, 
    414         custody or control of the Licensee not returned or destroyed as 
    415         provided for above. 
    417      8. The Licensee acknowledges that the Licensor will have no obligation 
    418         to indemnify the Licensee against any damages, costs and losses 
    419         incurred by the Licensee whether direct or consequential (including 
    420         but without limitation any economic loss or other loss of turnover, 
    421         profits, business or goodwill) in connection with any proceedings 
    422         bought by a third party against the Licensee alleging that the 
    423         Licensee's use of the Product Materials constitutes an infringement 
    424         of that third party's Intellectual Property Rights. 
    426      9. The Licensee shall indemnify the Licensor against any loss, costs, 
    427         expenses, demands or liability, whether direct or indirect, arising 
    428         out of a claim by a third party pursuant to clause 13.5 where: 
    430        1. the claim arises from: 
    432         b. use of the Product Materials in combination with any equipment or 
    433            programs where such use is not authorised by the terms of this 
    434            Agreement or otherwise approved by the Licensor; 
    436         c. use of the Product Materials in a manner or for a purpose not 
    437            specifically provided for by this Agreement or authorised by the 
    438            Licensor; 
    440         d. modification or alteration of the Product Materials by the 
    441            Licensee or any third party on behalf of the Licensee; and 
    443         e. any transaction entered into by the Licensee relating to the 
    444            Product Materials without the Licensor's prior consent in writing 
    445            which is not otherwise authorised by the terms of this Agreement; 
    446            or 
    448        6. the ability of the Licensor to defend the claim has been prejudiced 
    449           by the failure of the Licensee to comply with any requirements of 
    450           clauses 13.4, 13.5 or 13.6. 
    452     10. The Licensee acknowledges that the Licensor is in no way liable to 
    453         the Licensee in respect of any liability arising from the Licensee's 
    454         use of any Third Party Software and the Licensee agrees to indemnify 
    455         the Licensor on demand in the event of any liability suffered by the 
    456         Licensor arising from the Licensee's use of the Third Party Software. 
    458    14. Warranties 
    460          1. To the fullest extent permitted at law, the Licensor: 
    462        1. disclaims all warranties with respect to the Software, either 
    463           express or implied, including but not limited to any implied 
    464           warranties relating to quality, fitness for any particular purpose 
    465           or ability to achieve a particular result; 
    467        7. makes no warranty that the Software is error free or that use of 
    468           the Software will be uninterrupted and the Licensee acknowledges 
    469           and agrees that the existence of such errors shall not constitute a 
    470           breach of this Agreement; and 
    472        8. does not give any warranty in respect of the Third Party Software. 
    474      2. The Licensee agrees that its sole remedy in respect of any 
    475         non-conformance with any warranty that can not be excluded pursuant 
    476         to clause 14.1 is that the Licensor will remedy such non-conformance 
    477         (either by itself or through a third party) and if, in the Licensor's 
    478         reasonable opinion, it is unable to remedy such non-conformance, the 
    479         Licensor shall be entitled to terminate the Licence and this 
    480         Agreement immediately on written notice to the Licensee at which 
    481         point the Licensee shall destroy all copies of the Product Materials 
    482         within its possession and provide a written certificate from one of 
    483         the Licensee's directors to the Licensor that such copies have been 
    484         destroyed provided that the Licensor shall be entitled to enter upon 
    485         the Licensee's premises to repossess any copies of the Product 
    486         Materials in the possession, custody or control of the Licensee not 
    487         returned or destroyed as provided for above. 
    489      3. The Licensee will not disable or alter the display of the Software 
    490         logo, as such is incorporated into any Products or generally 
    491         displayed as a result of the use of the Software. 
    493    15. Liability 
    495          1. Except as provided for in clauses 13.9, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5 and 15.6 
    496             and to the greatest extent permitted at law, under no 
    497             circumstances will either party ("the first party"), its 
    498             employees or its agents be liable to the other party ("the second 
    499             party") in contract, tort, equity, statute, regulation or 
    500             otherwise for any loss, damage, costs, legal costs, professional 
    501             and other expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered 
    502             by the second party, or by any other third party, whether direct 
    503             or consequential (including but without limitation any economic 
    504             loss or other loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill) 
    505             arising out of any dispute or contractual, tortuous or other 
    506             claims or proceedings bought by the second party or which are 
    507             alternatively bought against the second party as a result of the 
    508             second party's breach of this Agreement. 
    510          2. Clause 15.1 shall not exclude any liability of the first party to 
    511             the second party which arises from: 
    513        1. wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the first 
    514           party; 
    516        9. where the Licensee is the first party, any act or omission by any 
    517           persons to whom the Licensee is permitted to disclose Information 
    518           (as defined in clause 16.1) as set out in this Agreement, which, if 
    519           done or omitted to be done by the Licensee, would be a breach of 
    520           the Licensee's obligations under this Agreement, 
    522    and in respect of which the first party will indemnify the second party. 
    524      3. In the event that any limitation or provision contained in this 
    525         Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason and 
    526         the first party becomes liable for loss or damage that would 
    527         otherwise have been excluded, to the greatest extent permitted at 
    528         law, and also in respect of any liability pursuant to clause 15.2, 
    529         the first party's maximum liability to the second party under the 
    530         Agreement shall be limited to an amount equivalent to the Licence Fee 
    531         paid by the Licensee pursuant to this Agreement. 
    533      4. Notwithstanding clause 15.1, to the greatest extent permitted at law, 
    534         the parties agree that the first party shall not be liable to the 
    535         second party in contract, tort, equity, statute, regulation or 
    536         otherwise for any loss, damage, cost, legal costs, professional and 
    537         other expenses of a consequential nature (including but without 
    538         limitation any economic loss or other loss of turnover, profits, 
    539         business or goodwill). 
    541      5. Notwithstanding clauses 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 the liability of 
    542         the Licensee to the licensor shall not be limited in respect of any 
    543         liability arising from the Licensee's breach of the Licensor's 
    544         Intellectual Property Rights or any third party's Intellectual 
    545         Property Rights. 
    547      6. The parties acknowledge and agree that the limitations contained in 
    548         this clause 15 are reasonable in the light of all the circumstances. 
    550      7. Where the Licensee is obtaining the Product Materials and Support and 
    551         Maintenance Services for business purposes the Licensee agrees the 
    552         Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 does not apply. 
    554      8. The parties agree that to the greatest extent permitted at law the 
    555         Sale of Goods Act 1908, the United Nations Convention on Contracts 
    556         for the International Sale of Goods (1980) and the Sale of Goods 
    557         (United Nations Convention) Act 1994 will not apply to this 
    558         Agreement. 
    560    16. Confidential Information 
    562          1. The Licensee undertakes, except as provided below, to treat as 
    563             confidential and keep secret all information marked 
    564             'confidential' or which may reasonably be supposed to be 
    565             confidential, including, without limitation, information 
    566             contained or embodied in the Product Materials, the Specification 
    567             and other information supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee 
    568             (in this Agreement collectively referred to as 'the Information') 
    569             with the same degree of care as the Licensee employs with regard 
    570             to the Licensee's own confidential information of a like nature 
    571             and in any event in accordance with best current commercial 
    572             security practices, provided that, this clause shall not extend 
    573             to any information which was rightfully in the possession of the 
    574             Licensee prior to the commencement of this Agreement or which is 
    575             already public knowledge or becomes so at a future date 
    576             (otherwise than as a result of a breach of this clause). 
    578          2. The Licensee shall not without the prior written consent of the 
    579             Licensor divulge any part of the Information to any person 
    580             except: 
    582        1. to the Licensee's employees and then only to those employees to 
    583           whom it is necessary to make such disclosure in order for the 
    584           Licensee to meet its obligations under this Agreement; 
    586        2. to such other parties as may be reasonably necessary to enable the 
    587           Licensee to meet its obligations under this Agreement; 
    589       10. to the Licensee's solicitors, insurers, accountants and auditors; 
    590           and 
    592       11. where such disclosure is required, pursuant to any law, regulation, 
    593           court order or valid government department or agency legal 
    594           requirement, provided that the Licensee must: 
    596         a. promptly and if practicable before making the disclosure, notify 
    597            the Licensor of that fact and identify the Information required to 
    598            be so disclosed so that if practicable in the circumstances a 
    599            protective order or other appropriate remedy may be sought; and 
    601         a. disclose only the minimum Information required to comply with the 
    602            applicable law or order. 
    604      3. The Licensee undertakes to ensure that persons and bodies referred to 
    605         in clause 16.2 are made aware before the disclosure of any part of 
    606         the Information that the same is confidential and that they owe a 
    607         duty of confidence to the Licensor. 
    609      4. The Licensee shall promptly notify the Licensor if it becomes aware 
    610         of any breach of confidence by any person to whom the Licensee has 
    611         divulged all or any part of the Information and the Licensee shall 
    612         give the Licensor all reasonable assistance in connection with any 
    613         proceedings which the Licensor may institute against such person for 
    614         breach of confidence. 
    616      5. The foregoing obligations as to confidentiality shall remain in full 
    617         force and effect notwithstanding any termination of the Licence or 
    618         this Agreement. 
    620      6. The Licensor shall be entitled to identify the Licensee as a licensee 
    621         of the Products in the Licensor's publicity materials. 
    623      1. If the Licensor authorises the Licensee to disclose any Information 
    624         to any person the Licensee agrees at the request of the Licensor 
    625         prior to such disclosure to have such person execute an 
    626         acknowledgement to the effect that the Information is disclosed to 
    627         that person in confidence. 
    629    17. Termination 
    631      1. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately by notice in 
    632         writing to the other if the other: 
    634        1. commits a material breach of this Agreement which is not capable of 
    635           remedy; or 
    637       12. commits a breach of this Agreement which is capable of a remedy, 
    638           and such breach is not remedied within 14 days of receipt by the 
    639           other, of a notice from the innocent party identifying the breach 
    640           and requiring its remedy; or 
    642       13. is unable to pay its debts or is deemed to be, or enters into 
    643           liquidation (other than with the prior written agreement of the 
    644           other party for the purpose of effecting a reconstruction or 
    645           amalgamation in such manner that the company resulting from such 
    646           reconstruction or amalgamation if a different legal entity agrees 
    647           to be bound by and assume the obligations of the relevant party 
    648           under this Agreement) or compounds with or compromises with or 
    649           convenes a meeting of its creditors or has a receiver appointed 
    650           over all or any part of its assets or takes or suffers any similar 
    651           action in consequence of a debt, or ceases for any reason to carry 
    652           on business. 
    654      1. For the avoidance of doubt the Licence will be deemed to terminate 
    655         upon the termination of the Agreement and upon the termination of the 
    656         Licence, the Licensee shall destroy all copies of the Product 
    657         Materials within its possession and provide a written certificate 
    658         from one of the Licensee's directors to the Licensor that such copies 
    659         have been destroyed provided that the Licensor shall be entitled to 
    660         enter upon the Licensee's premises to repossess any copies of the 
    661         Product Materials in the possession, custody or control of the 
    662         Licensee not returned or destroyed as provided for above. 
    664      2. Any termination of the Licence or this Agreement (howsoever 
    665         occasioned) shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of 
    666         either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the 
    667         continuance in force of any provision in this Agreement which is 
    668         expressly stated as continuing in force on or after such termination. 
    670    18. Agency, Partnership 
    672          1. This Agreement shall not constitute or imply any partnership, 
    673             joint venture, agency, fiduciary relationship or other 
    674             relationship between the parties other than the contractual 
    675             relationship expressly provided for in this Agreement. 
    677    19. Amendments 
    679          1. Except where expressly provided for in this Agreement, this 
    680             Agreement may not be released, discharged, supplemented, 
    681             interpreted, amended, varied or modified in any manner except by 
    682             an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorised officer or 
    683             representative of each of the parties. 
    685    20. Announcements 
    687          1. Except where expressly provided for in this Agreement, no party 
    688             shall issue or make any public announcement or disclose any 
    689             information regarding this Agreement unless prior written consent 
    690             has been obtained from the other party. 
    692    21. Assignment 
    694          1. The Licensee may not assign or otherwise deal with any of its 
    695             rights or obligations under this Agreement. 
    697    22. Entire Agreement 
    699          1. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and 
    700             undertakings between the parties and constitutes the entire 
    701             agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter of 
    702             this Agreement. The parties confirm that they have not entered 
    703             into this Agreement on the basis of any representation that is 
    704             not expressly incorporated into this Agreement. 
    706    23. Force Majeure 
    708          1. Neither party is in breach of this Agreement if its breach is 
    709             caused by an act of God, fire, act of government or state, war, 
    710             terrorism, sabotage, civil commotion, insurrection, embargo, 
    711             prevention from or hindrance in obtaining any raw materials, 
    712             energy or other supplies, labour disputes of whatever nature 
    713             including strikes and lockouts, piracy, destruction of essential 
    714             equipment by fire, explosion, storm, flood or earthquake, medical 
    715             epidemic and delay caused by failure of power supplies or 
    716             transport facilities or any other reason beyond the reasonable 
    717             control of a party. 
    719    24. Notices 
    721          1. All notices in relation to this Agreement must be served by email 
    722             to the email address used by either party from time to time to 
    723             communicate with the other party. 
    725    25. Schedules 
    727          1. The provisions of Schedule 1 shall form part of this Agreement as 
    728             if set out here. 
    730    26. Severance 
    732          1. If any provision of this Agreement is prohibited by law or judged 
    733             by a court to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, the provision 
    734             shall, to the extent required, be severed from this Agreement and 
    735             rendered ineffective as far as possible without modifying the 
    736             remaining provisions of this Agreement, and shall not in any way 
    737             affect any other circumstances of or the validity or enforcement 
    738             of this Agreement. 
    740    27. Waiver 
    742          1. No delay, neglect or forbearance on the part of either party in 
    743             enforcing against the other party any term or condition of this 
    744             Agreement shall either be or be deemed to be a waiver or in any 
    745             way prejudice any right of that party under this Agreement. No 
    746             right, power or remedy in this Agreement conferred upon or 
    747             reserved for either party is exclusive of any other right, power 
    748             or remedy available to that party. 
    750    28. Subcontracting 
    752          1. The Licensee agrees that the Licensor may perform any or all of 
    753             its obligations under this Agreement through agents or 
    754             sub-contractors. 
    756    29. Survival of Agreement 
    758          1. The provisions of clauses 12 (Proprietary Rights), 13 
    759             (Intellectual Property Rights), 14 (Warranties), 15 (Liability), 
    760             16 (Confidential Information) clauses 17.2 and 17.3 (Termination) 
    761             and this clause 29 survive the termination or expiry of this 
    762             Agreement for whatever reason. 
    764    30. Language 
    766          1. This Agreement is made only in the English language. If there is 
    767             any conflict in the meaning between the English language version 
    768             of this Agreement and any version or translation of it in any 
    769             other language, the English language version shall prevail. 
    771    31. Proper Law and Jurisdiction 
    773      1. This Agreement and all matters arising from it and any dispute 
    774         resolutions referred to below shall be governed by and construed in 
    775         accordance with New Zealand law notwithstanding the conflict of law 
    776         provisions and other mandatory legal provisions. 
    778      2. Subject to clause 31.8 and 31.11 the procedures set out in clauses 
    779         31.3 to 31.9 shall apply to all disputes arising under this 
    780         Agreement. 
    782      3. Where there is a dispute, the aggrieved party shall notify the other 
    783         party in writing of the nature of the dispute, with as much detail as 
    784         possible about the deficient performance of the other party. A 
    785         representative from senior management of each of the parties 
    786         ("representatives") shall meet in person or communicate by telephone 
    787         within 5 business days of the date of the written notification in 
    788         order to reach an agreement about the nature of the deficiency and 
    789         the corrective action to be taken by the respective parties. 
    791      1. If the dispute pursuant to clause 31.3 cannot be resolved within 10 
    792         business days of the date of the written notification provided for in 
    793         clause 31.3, or if the agreed upon completion dates in any written 
    794         plan of corrective action are exceeded, the parties will refer the 
    795         dispute to a single arbitrator to be chosen by the parties or, if 
    796         they cannot agree, chosen by the President of the New Zealand Law 
    797         Society, or the President's nominee and such arbitration will be 
    798         conducted in New Zealand in accordance with the Rules in Schedules 1 
    799         and 2 of the Arbitration Act 1996. 
    801      2. The parties must always act in good faith and co-operate with each 
    802         other to promptly resolve any dispute. 
    804      3. The arbitrator will fix the procedures and time frames for the 
    805         arbitration if the parties cannot agree. 
    807      4. The parties must continue to comply with their obligations under this 
    808         Agreement during the dispute resolution process. 
    810      5. This clause will not apply to: 
    812        1. a dispute arising in connection with any attempted re-negotiation 
    813           of this Agreement; or 
    815        1. any application by either party for urgent interlocutory relief. 
    817      6. If the parties cannot resolve the dispute by the procedure set out 
    818         above, the parties shall irrevocably submit to the exclusive 
    819         jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand for the purposes of hearing 
    820         and determining any dispute arising out of this Agreement. 
    822      7. Each party recognises that the other party's business relies upon the 
    823         protection of its Intellectual Property Rights and that in the event 
    824         of a breach of Intellectual Property Rights, the other party will be 
    825         caused irreparable damage and such other party may therefore be 
    826         entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief in order to prevent 
    827         a breach or threatened breach of its Intellectual Property Rights. 
    829      8. Notwithstanding clause 31.1 to 31.7 and clause 31.9, the parties 
    830         agree that: 
    832        1. the Licensor shall have the right to sue to recover any amounts 
    833           owing to it in any jurisdiction in which the Licensee is operating 
    834           or has assets; and 
    836        1. in the event of any breach or potential breach of its Intellectual 
    837           Property Rights the Licensor shall have the right to sue for breach 
    838           of its Intellectual Property Rights (whether in connection with 
    839           this Agreement or otherwise) in any country where it believes that 
    840           infringement or a breach or potential infringement or breach of 
    841           this Agreement relating to its Intellectual Property Rights is or 
    842           is likely to take place. 
     94    2.  Grant of Licence 
     96        2.1   Upon payment of any applicable Licence Fee or in the event no 
     97              Licence Fee is payable pursuant to clause 5.1, on any use being 
     98              made of the Software, ("Commencement Date") the Licensor grants 
     99              to the Licensee subject to the terms and conditions contained in 
     100              this Agreement, a non-exclusive licence for the use of the 
     101              Software in relation to the Project ("Licence"). Subject to the 
     102              payment of any applicable Licence Fee as provided for in clause 
     103              5, the Licence allows the Licensee to use the Software for the 
     104              Licensee's own internal purposes in relation to the Project 
     105              including as applicable in the course of the Licensee's ordinary 
     106              business activities as they relate to the Project and also to 
     107              incorporate the Software into products related to the Project 
     108              offered for sale or for free use to the public ("Products") by 
     109              the Licensee, provided that the Software is not the main 
     110              component of such Products and such Products do not provide for 
     111              the Software to be directly accessed and utilised in its own 
     112              right. 
     114        2.2   The Licence shall not entitle the Licensee to have access to the 
     115              Source Code in respect of the Software or to create or to attempt 
     116              to create the same. 
     118    3.  Licence Term 
     120        3.1   The Licence shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall 
     121              continue until terminated in accordance with the provisions of 
     122              this Agreement ("Term"). 
     124        3.2   Under no circumstance will the Licensee be entitled to grant a 
     125              sub-licence in respect of the Licence or any part of the Licence 
     126              or otherwise deal with its rights and obligations in respect of 
     127              the Licence. 
     129    4.  Support and Maintenance Services Term 
     131        4.1   The Support and Maintenance Services shall commence on the 
     132              Commencement Date and shall continue until the end of the Term. 
     134    5.  Payment 
     136        5.1   In the event that the Licensee uses the Software only for their 
     137              own personal use or where the Products are distributed for free 
     138              in a Very Low Volume, the Licensee will not be required to pay a 
     139              Licence Fee to the Licensor but in return for the benefit the 
     140              Licensee receives from using the Software the Licensee 
     141              acknowledges that they will at all times still be bound by the 
     142              terms of this Agreement. 
     144        5.2   In the event that the Licensee incorporates the Software into 
     145              Products, but such Products are sold in Very Low Volume, the 
     146              Licensee will only be required to pay a Licence Fee of two  
     147              hundred and fifty United States dollars ($250.00 USD). 
     149        5.3   To qualify for the Licence Fee exception pursuant to clause 5.1 
     150              or the Licence Fee outlined in clause 5.2, the Licensee must also 
     151              ensure that: 
     153              5.3.1  they are an individual or partnership and not a registered 
     154                     company; 
     156              5.3.2  the Project to which the Licence is to apply produces 
     157                     Products that are of a shareware or hobby type nature and 
     158                     which if sold are sold for ten New Zealand dollars or less 
     159                     ($NZ10.00); and 
     161              5.3.3  they obtain the approval of the Licensor that the Project 
     162                     to which the Licence is to apply comes within the terms of 
     163                     clauses 5.1 or 5.2 as applicable and clauses 5.3.1 and 
     164                     5.3.2. 
     166        5.4   In the event that the Licensee incorporates the Software into 
     167              Products which are sold or distributed for free in any volumes 
     168              greater than Very Low Volumes the Licensee will be required to 
     169              pay a Licence Fee of three thousand United States dollars ($3000.00 USD). 
     171        5.5   It is the Licensee's responsibility to ensure they have paid any 
     172              applicable Licence Fee provided for in clauses 5.2 and 5.4 prior 
     173              to making any use of the Software. Once paid the Licence Fee is 
     174              non-refundable and the Licensor may terminate or suspend any 
     175              Licence granted pursuant to this Agreement immediately on notice 
     176              to the Licensee in the event any applicable Licence Fees due as 
     177              defined in clauses 5.2 and 5.4 are unpaid and the Licensee will 
     178              also indemnify the Licensor on demand for any direct and indirect 
     179              costs of any nature whatsoever reasonably incurred by the 
     180              Licensor in the course of securing the payment of any such unpaid 
     181              Licence Fees. 
     183        5.6   The Licensee shall pay the Licence Fee to the Licensor by way of 
     184              credit card payment in the manner provided for via the Website. 
     186        5.7   The Licence Fee is exclusive of any applicable Taxes including 
     187              without limitation Goods and Services Tax ("GST") pursuant to the 
     188              Goods and Services Tax Act 1985. 
     190        5.8   Notwithstanding clause 5.7 in the event that the Licensee is or 
     191              becomes liable to pay or otherwise account for any Taxes, the 
     192              payment of any amounts due under this Agreement will be adjusted 
     193              to ensure that after the payment or accounting for of such Taxes 
     194              the Licensor will receive the original amount that was due to it 
     195              under this Agreement. 
     197    6.  Delivery 
     199        6.1   The Licensee shall download the Software from the Website. 
     201    7.  Support and Maintenance Services 
     203        7.1   During the Term the Licensor shall upon receipt of a Support Request 
     204              provide the Licensee with the following Support and Maintenance 
     205              Services by email in the following manner: 
     207              7.1.1  Where an Error occurs the Licensee shall supply in writing to the 
     208                     Licensor a detailed description of the Error requiring Error 
     209                     Correction and the circumstances in which it arose, and shall 
     210                     submit sufficient material and information to enable the Licensor 
     211                     to duplicate the Error, following which the Licensor will provide 
     212                     Error Correction in respect of the Error. 
     214              7.1.2  Exclusions: 
     216                     (a) The Licensor shall be under no obligation to provide Support and 
     217                         Maintenance Services in respect of: 
     219                         i)   any defects or errors resulting from any modifications or 
     220                              customisation of the Software made by any other person other than 
     221                              the Licensor; 
     223                         ii)  incorrect or unauthorised use of the Software or operator error 
     224                              where these are defined as use or operation not in accordance 
     225                              with the Documentation; 
     227                         iii) any fault in the Equipment or in any programs used in 
     228                              conjunction with the Software; 
     230                         iv)  any defects or errors caused by the use of the Software on or 
     231                              with any Equipment which is not approved in writing by the 
     232                              Licensor or in conjunction with any other software which is not 
     233                              approved in writing by the Licensor; 
     235                         v)   any software or programs other than the Software; 
     237                         vi)  any other of the Licensee's computer hardware, other equipment, 
     238                              or any data feeds or external data; and 
     240                         vii) the Licensee's failure to install and use upon the Equipment in 
     241                              substitution for the previous release any new release of the 
     242                              Software which includes updates or bug fixes in respect of the 
     243                              Licensee's version of the Software within 90 days of such new 
     244                              release of the Software being available for download from the 
     245                              Website. 
     247        7.2   The Licensor will respond to any Support Request by email within 48 
     248              hours of its receipt and will attempt to provide the required Support 
     249              and Maintenance Services within the same time period. 
     251        7.3   In addition to making use of the Support and Maintenance Services 
     252              provided for in clauses 7.1 and 7.2 the Licensee is also entitled to 
     253              make use of the Forums on such the terms and conditions as are 
     254              specified on the Website from time to time in respect of use of the 
     255              Forums. 
     257        7.4   Notwithstanding clauses 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3, the Licensee acknowledges 
     258              that in the event they are not required to pay a Licence Fee as 
     259              provided for by clause 5.1, the Licensee will not be entitled to make 
     260              use of the Support and Maintenance Services as described in clauses 
     261              7.1 and 7.2 but will be entitled to make use of the Forums as 
     262              provided for by clause 7.3. 
     264    8.  New Releases 
     266        8.1   During the Term the Licensor shall notify the Licensee by email, 
     267              where the Licensee has registered on the Website to receive such 
     268              notification, of any new release of the Software that is available 
     269              for download from the Website. 
     271        8.2   Notwithstanding clause 8.1, although the Licensee will be entitled to 
     272              download any new releases of the Software as part of the Support and 
     273              Maintenance Services, for the avoidance of doubt the Licensee will 
     274              not be entitled to download and use any later version of the Software 
     275              without paying a further applicable Licence Fee as defined in clauses 
     276              5.2 and 5.4 in respect of that new version of the Software. 
     278        8.3   In the event of any confusion as to whether a new release of the 
     279              Software is actually a new version of the Software the Licensor's 
     280              decision shall be final. 
     282        8.4   The Licensor may from time to time, acting entirely at its own 
     283              discretion, make such modifications to the current release of the 
     284              Software as shall ensure that the current release conforms to any 
     285              legal requirements or change of legislation. In the event that the 
     286              Licensor acting reasonably does not believe that it is technically 
     287              possible or commercially justifiable for it to make such 
     288              modifications then the Licensor shall be entitled to terminate this 
     289              Agreement on 30 days written notice to the Licensee. Where the 
     290              Licensor does make modifications to the current release of the 
     291              Software ("Modified Software") in accordance with the terms of this 
     292              Agreement, the Licensor shall make such Modified Software available 
     293              for download from the Website. The Licensee shall be required to as 
     294              soon as reasonably possible adopt such Modified Software. Failure by 
     295              the Licensee to adopt such Modified Software within 90 days of any 
     296              such new release of the Software being made available for download 
     297              from the Website, shall entitle the Licensor to terminate this 
     298              Agreement immediately on written notice to the Licensee. 
     300        8.5   Any new release of the Software or Modified Software adopted by the 
     301              Licensee shall become the current release and the provisions of this 
     302              Agreement shall apply accordingly. 
     304    9.  Licensee's Obligations 
     306        9.1   The Licensee shall operate the Software in accordance with the 
     307              Specification and Documentation. 
     309    10. Restrictions on Alterations 
     311        10.1  If the Software within the Licensee's control pursuant to the 
     312              Licence is modified or altered by the Licensee, the Licensee will 
     313              fully indemnify the Licensor against all liability which may be 
     314              incurred by the Licensor if such modifications or alterations 
     315              infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of a third person or 
     316              otherwise cause the Licensor to suffer loss, damages or expense. 
     318        10.2  The Software within the Licensee's control pursuant to the 
     319              Licence remains the property of the Licensor in all respects. 
     321    11. Security and Control 
     323        11.1  The Licensee shall during the continuance of the Licence effect 
     324              and maintain security measures in accordance with accepted 
     325              industry standards to safeguard the Software from access or use 
     326              by any unauthorised person. 
     328    12. Proprietary Rights 
     330        12.1  The Product Materials and the Intellectual Property Rights of 
     331              whatever nature in the Product Materials (excluding any third 
     332              party rights in respect of Third Party Software) are and shall 
     333              remain the property of the Licensor. 
     335        12.2  The Licensee shall notify the Licensor immediately if the 
     336              Licensee becomes aware of any unauthorised use of the whole or 
     337              any part of the Product Materials by any person. 
     339        12.3  The Third Party Software at all times remains the property of the 
     340              applicable third party and the Licensee's use of such Third Party 
     341              Software is at all times governed by the provisions of any 
     342              applicable licence relating to any such Third Party Software. 
     344    13. Intellectual Property Rights 
     346        13.1  The Licensee acknowledges that the Licence granted pursuant to 
     347              clause 2 does not grant any transfer of title or ownership to the 
     348              Licensee of any Licensor's Intellectual Property Rights including 
     349              without limitation in the Product Materials. The Licensee's right 
     350              to use the Licensor's Intellectual Property Rights as provided 
     351              for in this Agreement will cease upon the termination of this 
     352              Agreement or as otherwise provided for in this clause 13. 
     354        13.2  The Licensee acknowledges that the grant of the Licence or any 
     355              other terms of this Agreement do not in any way confer any right 
     356              or licence upon the Licensee to use, exploit or otherwise utilise 
     357              any rights relating to the Licensor's Intellectual Property 
     358              Rights other than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 
     360        13.3  The Licensee agrees not to represent in any way that it has any 
     361              title, right or interest in the ownership of the Licensor's 
     362              Intellectual Property Rights nor do anything which might be 
     363              contrary to the rights or interest of the Licensor in its 
     364              Intellectual Property Rights nor seek to apply to register in its 
     365              own name or that of any third party any part of the Licensor's 
     366              Intellectual Property Rights and will assist the Licensor in any 
     367              application to register any such Intellectual Property Rights 
     368              belonging to the Licensor at the cost of the Licensor. 
     370        13.4  The Licensee agrees with the Licensor that it will notify the 
     371              Licensor in writing as soon as practicable of any infringement, 
     372              suspected infringement or alleged infringement relating to the 
     373              Licensor's Intellectual Property Rights which comes to its 
     374              knowledge provided that the Licensee will be deemed to have 
     375              knowledge of any infringement, suspected infringement or alleged 
     376              infringement if such infringement would have come to the 
     377              Licensee's knowledge but for any negligence or wilful misconduct 
     378              on the part of the Licensee. 
     380        13.5  In the event that proceedings are brought or threatened by a 
     381              third party against the Licensee or the Licensor, alleging that 
     382              the Licensee's use of the Product Materials constitutes an 
     383              infringement of a third party's Intellectual Property Rights, the 
     384              Licensor may at its option and at its own expense conduct the 
     385              defence of such proceedings. As requested by the Licensor the 
     386              Licensee shall provide all necessary co-operation, information 
     387              and assistance to the Licensor in the conduct of the defence of 
     388              such proceedings. 
     390        13.6  In the circumstances provided for in clause 13.5, but also where 
     391              the Licensor acting entirely at its own discretion believes that 
     392              there is a reasonable likelihood that infringement may currently 
     393              exist or is likely to occur, the Licensee agrees with the 
     394              Licensor that it will permit the Licensor, acting entirely in the 
     395              Licensor's discretion to; 
     397              13.6.1  modify, alter or substitute the infringing or potentially 
     398                      infringing part of the Product Materials, at the Licensor's expense 
     399                      in order to avoid the infringement or potential infringement; or 
     401              13.6.2  procure for the Licensee the authority to continue with the use and 
     402                      possession of the infringing or potentially infringing part of the 
     403                      Product Materials. 
     405        13.7  If the remedies set out in clause 13.6 above are not in the 
     406              Licensor's opinion reasonably available, then the Licensor shall be 
     407              entitled to terminate the Licence and this Agreement immediately on 
     408              written notice to the Licensee at which point the Licensee shall 
     409              destroy all copies of the Product Materials within its possession and 
     410              provide a written certificate from one of the Licensee's directors to 
     411              the Licensor that such copies have been destroyed provided that the 
     412              Licensor shall be entitled to enter upon the Licensee's premises to 
     413              repossess any copies of the Product Materials in the possession, 
     414              custody or control of the Licensee not returned or destroyed as 
     415              provided for above. 
     417        13.8  The Licensee acknowledges that the Licensor will have no obligation 
     418              to indemnify the Licensee against any damages, costs and losses 
     419              incurred by the Licensee whether direct or consequential (including 
     420              but without limitation any economic loss or other loss of turnover, 
     421              profits, business or goodwill) in connection with any proceedings 
     422              bought by a third party against the Licensee alleging that the 
     423              Licensee's use of the Product Materials constitutes an infringement 
     424              of that third party's Intellectual Property Rights. 
     426        13.9  The Licensee shall indemnify the Licensor against any loss, costs, 
     427              expenses, demands or liability, whether direct or indirect, arising 
     428              out of a claim by a third party pursuant to clause 13.5 where: 
     430              13.9.1  the claim arises from: 
     432                      (a) use of the Product Materials in combination with any equipment or 
     433                          programs where such use is not authorised by the terms of this 
     434                          Agreement or otherwise approved by the Licensor; 
     436                      (b) use of the Product Materials in a manner or for a purpose not 
     437                          specifically provided for by this Agreement or authorised by the 
     438                          Licensor; 
     440                      (c) modification or alteration of the Product Materials by the 
     441                          Licensee or any third party on behalf of the Licensee; and 
     443                      (d) any transaction entered into by the Licensee relating to the 
     444                          Product Materials without the Licensor's prior consent in writing 
     445                          which is not otherwise authorised by the terms of this Agreement; 
     446                          or 
     448              13.9.2  the ability of the Licensor to defend the claim has been prejudiced 
     449                      by the failure of the Licensee to comply with any requirements of 
     450                      clauses 13.4, 13.5 or 13.6. 
     452        13.10 The Licensee acknowledges that the Licensor is in no way liable to 
     453              the Licensee in respect of any liability arising from the Licensee's 
     454              use of any Third Party Software and the Licensee agrees to indemnify 
     456              the Licensor on demand in the event of any liability suffered by the 
     458              Licensor arising from the Licensee's use of the Third Party Software. 
     460    14. Warranties 
     462        14.1  To the fullest extent permitted at law, the Licensor: 
     464              14.1.1  disclaims all warranties with respect to the Software, either 
     465                      express or implied, including but not limited to any implied 
     466                      warranties relating to quality, fitness for any particular purpose 
     467                      or ability to achieve a particular result; 
     469              14.1.2  makes no warranty that the Software is error free or that use of 
     470                      the Software will be uninterrupted and the Licensee acknowledges 
     471                      and agrees that the existence of such errors shall not constitute a 
     472                      breach of this Agreement; and 
     474              14.1.3  does not give any warranty in respect of the Third Party Software. 
     476        14.2  The Licensee agrees that its sole remedy in respect of any 
     477              non-conformance with any warranty that can not be excluded pursuant 
     478              to clause 14.1 is that the Licensor will remedy such non-conformance 
     479              (either by itself or through a third party) and if, in the Licensor's 
     480              reasonable opinion, it is unable to remedy such non-conformance, the 
     481              Licensor shall be entitled to terminate the Licence and this 
     482              Agreement immediately on written notice to the Licensee at which 
     483              point the Licensee shall destroy all copies of the Product Materials 
     484              within its possession and provide a written certificate from one of 
     485              the Licensee's directors to the Licensor that such copies have been 
     486              destroyed provided that the Licensor shall be entitled to enter upon 
     487              the Licensee's premises to repossess any copies of the Product 
     488              Materials in the possession, custody or control of the Licensee not 
     489              returned or destroyed as provided for above. 
     491        14.3  The Licensee will not disable or alter the display of the Software 
     493              logo, as such is incorporated into any Products or generally 
     494              displayed as a result of the use of the Software. 
     496    15. Liability 
     498        15.1  Except as provided for in clauses 13.9, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5 and 15.6 
     499              and to the greatest extent permitted at law, under no 
     501              circumstances will either party ("the first party"), its 
     502              employees or its agents be liable to the other party ("the second 
     503              party") in contract, tort, equity, statute, regulation or 
     504              otherwise for any loss, damage, costs, legal costs, professional 
     505              and other expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered 
     506              by the second party, or by any other third party, whether direct 
     507              or consequential (including but without limitation any economic 
     508              loss or other loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill) 
     509              arising out of any dispute or contractual, tortuous or other 
     510              claims or proceedings bought by the second party or which are 
     511              alternatively bought against the second party as a result of the 
     512              second party's breach of this Agreement. 
     514        15.2  Clause 15.1 shall not exclude any liability of the first party to 
     516              the second party which arises from: 
     518              15.2.1  wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the first 
     519                      party; 
     521              15.3.2  where the Licensee is the first party, any act or omission by any 
     522                      persons to whom the Licensee is permitted to disclose Information 
     523                      (as defined in clause 16.1) as set out in this Agreement, which, if 
     524                      done or omitted to be done by the Licensee, would be a breach of 
     525                      the Licensee's obligations under this Agreement, 
     527              and in respect of which the first party will indemnify the second party. 
     529        15.3  In the event that any limitation or provision contained in this 
     530              Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason and 
     531              the first party becomes liable for loss or damage that would 
     532              otherwise have been excluded, to the greatest extent permitted at              law, and also in respect of any liability pursuant to clause 15.2, 
     533              the first party's maximum liability to the second party under the 
     534              Agreement shall be limited to an amount equivalent to the Licence Fee 
     535              paid by the Licensee pursuant to this Agreement. 
     537        15.4  Notwithstanding clause 15.1, to the greatest extent permitted at law, 
     538              the parties agree that the first party shall not be liable to the 
     539              second party in contract, tort, equity, statute, regulation or 
     540              otherwise for any loss, damage, cost, legal costs, professional and 
     541              other expenses of a consequential nature (including but without 
     542              limitation any economic loss or other loss of turnover, profits, 
     543              business or goodwill). 
     545        15.5  Notwithstanding clauses 15.1, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 the liability of 
     546              the Licensee to the licensor shall not be limited in respect of any 
     547              liability arising from the Licensee's breach of the Licensor's 
     548              Intellectual Property Rights or any third party's Intellectual 
     549              Property Rights. 
     551        15.6  The parties acknowledge and agree that the limitations contained in 
     552              this clause 15 are reasonable in the light of all the circumstances. 
     554        15.7  Where the Licensee is obtaining the Product Materials and Support and 
     555              Maintenance Services for business purposes the Licensee agrees the 
     556              Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 does not apply. 
     558        15.8  The parties agree that to the greatest extent permitted at law the 
     559              Sale of Goods Act 1908, the United Nations Convention on Contracts 
     560              for the International Sale of Goods (1980) and the Sale of Goods 
     561              (United Nations Convention) Act 1994 will not apply to this 
     562              Agreement. 
     564    16. Confidential Information 
     566        16.1  The Licensee undertakes, except as provided below, to treat as 
     567              confidential and keep secret all information marked 
     568              'confidential' or which may reasonably be supposed to be 
     569              confidential, including, without limitation, information 
     570              contained or embodied in the Product Materials, the Specification 
     571              and other information supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee 
     572              (in this Agreement collectively referred to as 'the Information') 
     573              with the same degree of care as the Licensee employs with regard 
     574              to the Licensee's own confidential information of a like nature 
     575              and in any event in accordance with best current commercial 
     576              security practices, provided that, this clause shall not extend 
     577              to any information which was rightfully in the possession of the 
     578              Licensee prior to the commencement of this Agreement or which is 
     579              already public knowledge or becomes so at a future date 
     580              (otherwise than as a result of a breach of this clause). 
     582        16.2  The Licensee shall not without the prior written consent of the 
     583              Licensor divulge any part of the Information to any person 
     584              except: 
     586              16.2.1  to the Licensee's employees and then only to those employees to 
     587                      whom it is necessary to make such disclosure in order for the 
     588                      Licensee to meet its obligations under this Agreement; 
     590              16.2.2  to such other parties as may be reasonably necessary to enable the 
     591                      Licensee to meet its obligations under this Agreement; 
     593              16.2.3  to the Licensee's solicitors, insurers, accountants and auditors; and 
     595              16.2.4  where such disclosure is required, pursuant to any law, regulation, 
     596                      court order or valid government department or agency legal 
     597                      requirement, provided that the Licensee must: 
     599                      a) promptly and if practicable before making the disclosure, notify 
     600                         the Licensor of that fact and identify the Information required to 
     601                         be so disclosed so that if practicable in the circumstances a 
     602                         protective order or other appropriate remedy may be sought; and 
     604                      b) disclose only the minimum Information required to comply with the 
     605                         applicable law or order. 
     607        16.3  The Licensee undertakes to ensure that persons and bodies referred to 
     608              in clause 16.2 are made aware before the disclosure of any part of 
     609              the Information that the same is confidential and that they owe a 
     610              duty of confidence to the Licensor. 
     612        16.4  The Licensee shall promptly notify the Licensor if it becomes aware 
     613              of any breach of confidence by any person to whom the Licensee has 
     614              divulged all or any part of the Information and the Licensee shall 
     615              give the Licensor all reasonable assistance in connection with any 
     616              proceedings which the Licensor may institute against such person for 
     617              breach of confidence. 
     619        16.5  The foregoing obligations as to confidentiality shall remain in full 
     620              force and effect notwithstanding any termination of the Licence or 
     621              this Agreement. 
     623        16.6  The Licensor shall be entitled to identify the Licensee as a licensee 
     624              of the Products in the Licensor's publicity materials. 
     626        16.7  If the Licensor authorises the Licensee to disclose any Information 
     627              to any person the Licensee agrees at the request of the Licensor 
     628              prior to such disclosure to have such person execute an 
     629              acknowledgement to the effect that the Information is disclosed to 
     630              that person in confidence. 
     632    17. Termination 
     634        17.1  Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately by notice in 
     635              writing to the other if the other: 
     637              17.1.1  commits a material breach of this Agreement which is not capable of 
     638                      remedy; or 
     640              17.1.2  commits a breach of this Agreement which is capable of a remedy, 
     641                      and such breach is not remedied within 14 days of receipt by the 
     642                      other, of a notice from the innocent party identifying the breach 
     643                      and requiring its remedy; or 
     645              17.1.3  is unable to pay its debts or is deemed to be, or enters into 
     646                      liquidation (other than with the prior written agreement of the 
     647                      other party for the purpose of effecting a reconstruction or 
     648                      amalgamation in such manner that the company resulting from such 
     649                      reconstruction or amalgamation if a different legal entity agrees 
     650                      to be bound by and assume the obligations of the relevant party 
     651                      under this Agreement) or compounds with or compromises with or 
     652                      convenes a meeting of its creditors or has a receiver appointed 
     653                      over all or any part of its assets or takes or suffers any similar 
     654                      action in consequence of a debt, or ceases for any reason to carry 
     655                      on business. 
     657        17.2  For the avoidance of doubt the Licence will be deemed to terminate 
     658              upon the termination of the Agreement and upon the termination of the 
     659              Licence, the Licensee shall destroy all copies of the Product 
     660              Materials within its possession and provide a written certificate 
     661              from one of the Licensee's directors to the Licensor that such copies 
     662              have been destroyed provided that the Licensor shall be entitled to 
     663              enter upon the Licensee's premises to repossess any copies of the 
     664              Product Materials in the possession, custody or control of the 
     665              Licensee not returned or destroyed as provided for above. 
     667        17.3  Any termination of the Licence or this Agreement (howsoever 
     668              occasioned) shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of 
     669              either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the 
     670              continuance in force of any provision in this Agreement which is 
     671              expressly stated as continuing in force on or after such termination. 
     673    18. Agency, Partnership 
     675        18.1  This Agreement shall not constitute or imply any partnership, 
     676              joint venture, agency, fiduciary relationship or other 
     677              relationship between the parties other than the contractual 
     678              relationship expressly provided for in this Agreement. 
     680    19. Amendments 
     682        19.1  Except where expressly provided for in this Agreement, this 
     683              Agreement may not be released, discharged, supplemented, 
     684              interpreted, amended, varied or modified in any manner except by 
     685              an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorised officer or 
     686              representative of each of the parties. 
     688    20. Announcements 
     690        20.1  Except where expressly provided for in this Agreement, no party 
     691              shall issue or make any public announcement or disclose any 
     692              information regarding this Agreement unless prior written consent 
     693              has been obtained from the other party. 
     695    21. Assignment 
     697        21.1  The Licensee may not assign or otherwise deal with any of its 
     698             rights or obligations under this Agreement. 
     700    22. Entire Agreement 
     702        22.1  This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, arrangements and 
     703              undertakings between the parties and constitutes the entire 
     704              agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter of 
     705              this Agreement. The parties confirm that they have not entered 
     706              into this Agreement on the basis of any representation that is 
     707              not expressly incorporated into this Agreement. 
     709    23. Force Majeure 
     711        23.1  Neither party is in breach of this Agreement if its breach is 
     712              caused by an act of God, fire, act of government or state, war, 
     713              terrorism, sabotage, civil commotion, insurrection, embargo, 
     714              prevention from or hindrance in obtaining any raw materials, 
     715              energy or other supplies, labour disputes of whatever nature 
     716              including strikes and lockouts, piracy, destruction of essential 
     717              equipment by fire, explosion, storm, flood or earthquake, medical 
     718              epidemic and delay caused by failure of power supplies or 
     719              transport facilities or any other reason beyond the reasonable 
     720              control of a party. 
     722    24. Notices 
     724        24.1  All notices in relation to this Agreement must be served by email 
     725              to the email address used by either party from time to time to 
     726              communicate with the other party. 
     728    25. Schedules 
     730        25.1  The provisions of Schedule 1 shall form part of this Agreement as 
     731              if set out here. 
     733    26. Severance 
     735        26.1  If any provision of this Agreement is prohibited by law or judged 
     736              by a court to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, the provision 
     737              shall, to the extent required, be severed from this Agreement and 
     738              rendered ineffective as far as possible without modifying the 
     739              remaining provisions of this Agreement, and shall not in any way 
     740              affect any other circumstances of or the validity or enforcement 
     741              of this Agreement. 
     743    27. Waiver 
     745        27.1  No delay, neglect or forbearance on the part of either party in 
     746              enforcing against the other party any term or condition of this 
     747              Agreement shall either be or be deemed to be a waiver or in any 
     748              way prejudice any right of that party under this Agreement. No 
     749              right, power or remedy in this Agreement conferred upon or 
     750              reserved for either party is exclusive of any other right, power 
     751              or remedy available to that party. 
     753    28. Subcontracting 
     755        28.1  The Licensee agrees that the Licensor may perform any or all of 
     756              its obligations under this Agreement through agents or 
     757              sub-contractors. 
     759    29. Survival of Agreement 
     761        29.1  The provisions of clauses 12 (Proprietary Rights), 13 
     762              (Intellectual Property Rights), 14 (Warranties), 15 (Liability), 
     763              16 (Confidential Information) clauses 17.2 and 17.3 (Termination) 
     764              and this clause 29 survive the termination or expiry of this 
     765              Agreement for whatever reason. 
     767    30. Language 
     769        30.1  This Agreement is made only in the English language. If there is 
     770              any conflict in the meaning between the English language version 
     771              of this Agreement and any version or translation of it in any 
     772              other language, the English language version shall prevail. 
     774    31. Proper Law and Jurisdiction 
     776        31.1  This Agreement and all matters arising from it and any dispute 
     777              resolutions referred to below shall be governed by and construed in 
     778              accordance with New Zealand law notwithstanding the conflict of law 
     779              provisions and other mandatory legal provisions. 
     781        31.2  Subject to clause 31.8 and 31.11 the procedures set out in clauses 
     782              31.3 to 31.9 shall apply to all disputes arising under this 
     783              Agreement. 
     785        31.3  Where there is a dispute, the aggrieved party shall notify the other 
     786              party in writing of the nature of the dispute, with as much detail as 
     787              possible about the deficient performance of the other party. A 
     788              representative from senior management of each of the parties 
     789              ("representatives") shall meet in person or communicate by telephone 
     790              within 5 business days of the date of the written notification in 
     791              order to reach an agreement about the nature of the deficiency and 
     792              the corrective action to be taken by the respective parties. 
     794        31.4  If the dispute pursuant to clause 31.3 cannot be resolved within 10 
     795              business days of the date of the written notification provided for in 
     796              clause 31.3, or if the agreed upon completion dates in any written 
     797              plan of corrective action are exceeded, the parties will refer the 
     798              dispute to a single arbitrator to be chosen by the parties or, if 
     799              they cannot agree, chosen by the President of the New Zealand Law 
     800              Society, or the President's nominee and such arbitration will be 
     801              conducted in New Zealand in accordance with the Rules in Schedules 1 
     802              and 2 of the Arbitration Act 1996. 
     804        31.5  The parties must always act in good faith and co-operate with each 
     805              other to promptly resolve any dispute. 
     807        31.6  The arbitrator will fix the procedures and time frames for the 
     808              arbitration if the parties cannot agree. 
     810        31.7  The parties must continue to comply with their obligations under this 
     811              Agreement during the dispute resolution process. 
     813        31.8  This clause will not apply to: 
     815              31.8.1  a dispute arising in connection with any attempted re-negotiation 
     816                      of this Agreement; or 
     818              31.8.2  any application by either party for urgent interlocutory relief. 
     820        31.9  If the parties cannot resolve the dispute by the procedure set out 
     821              above, the parties shall irrevocably submit to the exclusive 
     822              jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand for the purposes of hearing 
     823              and determining any dispute arising out of this Agreement. 
     825        31.10 Each party recognises that the other party's business relies upon the 
     826              protection of its Intellectual Property Rights and that in the event 
     827              of a breach of Intellectual Property Rights, the other party will be 
     828              caused irreparable damage and such other party may therefore be 
     829              entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief in order to prevent 
     830              a breach or threatened breach of its Intellectual Property Rights. 
     832        31.11 Notwithstanding clause 31.1 to 31.7 and clause 31.9, the parties 
     833              agree that: 
     835              31.11.1  the Licensor shall have the right to sue to recover any amounts 
     836                       owing to it in any jurisdiction in which the Licensee is operating 
     837                       or has assets; and 
     839              31.11.2  in the event of any breach or potential breach of its Intellectual 
     840                       Property Rights the Licensor shall have the right to sue for breach 
     841                       of its Intellectual Property Rights (whether in connection with 
     842                       this Agreement or otherwise) in any country where it believes that 
     843                       infringement or a breach or potential infringement or breach of 
     844                       this Agreement relating to its Intellectual Property Rights is or 
     845                       is likely to take place. 
    844847                                   SCHEDULE 1