Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of LicenseAgreements/SoftwareLicenseAgreement

robertc (IP:
02/04/08 16:37:29 (10 years ago)



  • LicenseAgreements/SoftwareLicenseAgreement

    v4 v5  
    136136        5.1   In the event that the Licensee uses the Software only for their 
    137137              own personal use or where the Products are distributed for free 
    138               in a Very Low Volume, the Licensee will not be required to pay a 
    139               Licence Fee to the Licensor but in return for the benefit the 
    140               Licensee receives from using the Software the Licensee 
    141               acknowledges that they will at all times still be bound by the 
    142               terms of this Agreement. 
     138              with no intention of gaining revenue through in-game advertising, 
     139              subscription fees, or any other method, or used as promotional 
     140              material, the Licensee will not be required to pay a Licence Fee 
     141              to the Licensor but in return for the benefit the Licensee 
     142              receives from using the Software the Licensee acknowledges that 
     143              they will at all times still be bound by the terms of this 
     144              Agreement. 
    144146        5.2   In the event that the Licensee incorporates the Software into 
    145147              Products, but such Products are sold in Very Low Volume, the 
    146               Licensee will only be required to pay a Licence Fee of two  
     148              Licensee will only be required to pay a Licence Fee of two 
    147149              hundred and fifty United States dollars ($250.00 USD). 
    156158              5.3.2  the Project to which the Licence is to apply produces 
    157                      Products that are of a shareware or hobby type nature and 
    158                      which if sold are sold for ten New Zealand dollars or less 
    159                      ($NZ10.00); and 
     159                     Products that are of a shareware or hobby type nature; and 
    161161              5.3.3  they obtain the approval of the Licensor that the Project 
    166166        5.4   In the event that the Licensee incorporates the Software into 
    167               Products which are sold or distributed for free in any volumes 
    168               greater than Very Low Volumes the Licensee will be required to 
    169               pay a Licence Fee of three thousand United States dollars ($3000.00 USD). 
     167              Products which are sold in any volumes greater than Very Low Volumes 
     168              the Licensee will be required to pay a Licence Fee of three thousand 
     169              United States dollars ($3000.00 USD). 
    171171        5.5   It is the Licensee's responsibility to ensure they have paid any 
    530530              Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason and 
    531531              the first party becomes liable for loss or damage that would 
    532               otherwise have been excluded, to the greatest extent permitted at              law, and also in respect of any liability pursuant to clause 15.2, 
     532              otherwise have been excluded, to the greatest extent permitted at 
     533              law, and also in respect of any liability pursuant to clause 15.2, 
    533534              the first party's maximum liability to the second party under the 
    534535              Agreement shall be limited to an amount equivalent to the Licence Fee