Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of documentation/C++Manual/Packages

lloydw (IP:
09/22/10 06:30:08 (7 years ago)



  • documentation/C++Manual/Packages

    v1 v2  
    22= Packages = 
    4 Rocket ships with five libraries, two of which are open-sourced. 
    6 == EMPCore == 
    8 EMPCore is the types and utility library that Rocket relies on. It has definitions for 2-, 3- and 4-dimensional vectors, colours and types for single- and double-byte variables. It also has a stream API, a simple XML parser and a logging system, and the data source types that are used in the datagrid elements in RocketControls. 
    10 EMPCore lies within the EMP::Core namespace. The types you will most often run into while using Rocket are the two-dimensional vector types (EMP::Core::Vector2i for signed integer types, EMP::Core::Vector2f for floating-point), the two-byte unsigned integer type (EMP::Core::word) and the one-byte unsigned integer type (EMP::Core::byte). 
     4Rocket ships with four libraries, all with full source code. 
    126== RocketCore == 
    14 RocketCore is the main Rocket library. It contains the basic element hierarchy, the style sheet and property system, the layout engine and the RML parser
     8RocketCore is the main Rocket library. It contains all the basic types, the basic element hierarchy, the style sheet and property system, the layout engine and the RML parser. RocketCore is all you need to display content from C++
    1610To use RocketCore, include <Rocket/Core.h> in your application and link with RocketCore or RocketCore_d. 
    1812== RocketControls == 
    20 RocketControls is an open-sourced library for Rocket which contains custom elements for form controls (radio buttons, range sliders, etc), data tables and tabbed windows. You are free to use the plugin as-is in your application, or use the elements as a starting point for more specialised controls in your application. 
     14RocketControls contains custom elements for form controls (radio buttons, range sliders, etc), data tables and tabbed windows. You are free to use the plugin as-is in your application, or use the elements as a starting point for more specialised controls in your application. 
    2216This package is a great place to look at for examples of creating new elements and writing custom XML parsing. 
    24 To use RocketControls, include <Rocket/Controls.h> in your application and link with RocketControls or RocketControls_d. The source code can be found in src/Rocket/Controls/, and a VC8 project file and SConstruct file in src/Rocket/Controls/build/. 
     18To use RocketControls, include <Rocket/Controls.h> in your application and link with RocketControls or RocketControls_d. 
    2620This package also contains all the required code to expose the controls to Python if you are using Rocket with RocketPython. 
    2822== RocketDebugger == 
    30 RocketDebugger is an open-sourced Rocket plugin. It is a visual debugger for Rocket elements, inspired by similar debuggers for Firefox. We strongly recommend you use this in your application during development! As the project is open-sourced, you are free to modify and extend the debugger to suit the debugging needs of your application. 
     24RocketDebugger is a visual debugger for Rocket elements, inspired by similar debuggers for Firefox. We strongly recommend you use this in your application during development! 
    32 To use RocketDebugger, include <Rocket/Debugger.h> in your application and link with RocketDebugger or RocketDebugger_d. The source code and can found in src/Rocket/Debugger/, and a VC8 project file and SConstruct file in src/Rocket/Debugger/build/. 
     26To use RocketDebugger, include <Rocket/Debugger.h> in your application and link with RocketDebugger or RocketDebugger_d.  
    3428== RocketPython == 
    36 RocketPython provides Python language bindings to RocketCore via a Python extension module. RocketPython requires a small additional license fee, but will greatly improve programmer productivity
     30RocketPython provides Python language bindings to RocketCore via a Python extension module. RocketPython greatly improves programmer productivity, via the power of scripting. It's what JavaScript is to the Web