Changes from Version 1 of documentation/LuaManual/Contexts

gambini (IP:
05/21/12 16:45:19 (5 years ago)



  • documentation/LuaManual/Contexts

    v0 v1  
     1[[PageOutline(1-5, Contents)]] 
     2= Contexts = 
     4== Interface == 
     6=== Properties === 
     8|| '''Lua property''' || '''Brief description''' || '''Equivalent C++ functions''' || 
     9|| ''dimensions'' || Gets/sets the dimensions of the context. || ''GetDimensions()'', ''SetDimensions()'' || 
     10|| ''documents'' || Retrieves a document within the interface. || ''GetDocument()'', ''GetNumDocuments()'' || 
     11|| ''focus_element'' || Retrieves the context's focus element. || ''GetFocusElement()'' || 
     12|| ''hover_element'' || Retrieves the element under the context's cursor. || ''GetHoverElement()'' || 
     13|| ''root_element'' || Retrieves the context's root element. || ''GetRootElement()'' || 
     14|| ''name'' || Retrieves the context's name. || ''GetName()'' || 
     16==== Retrieving documents ==== 
     18The ''documents'' property on the context is a [wiki:documentation/LuaManual/ProxyTables proxy table] in regards to the C++ interface with Lua, accessed by both string and integer keys. 
     21for key, doc in ipairs(context.documents:GetTable()) do 
     22    print doc.title 
     25local index = 0 
     26local length = #context.documents:GetTable() / 2 
     27while index < length do 
     28    print (index .. ": " .. context.documents[index].title) 
     31Because the items can be indexed by both string and integer keys, the contexts are duplicated in the table. This means that the size operator on ''context.documents:GetTable()'' returns twice as many items as there are contexts. 
     33It is also possible to access them as a dictionary, looking documents up by their ID: 
     35document = context.documents["highscores"] 
     36if document == nil then 
     37    print ("No document found!") 
     41Or accessing documents as attributes on the ''documents'' property itself: 
     44document = context.documents.highscores 
     45if document == nil then 
     46    print "No document found!" 
     50=== Methods === 
     52The following methods are exported from the C++ interface. 
     54|| '''Lua method''' || '''Brief description''' || 
     55|| ''AddEventListener()'' || Attaches an inline event listener to the root of the context.|| 
     56|| ''AddMouseCursor()'' || Adds a previously-loaded mouse cursor to the document. || 
     57|| ''CreateDocument()'' || Creates a new document. || 
     58|| ''LoadDocument()'' || Loads a document from an external RML file. || 
     59|| ''LoadMouseCursor()'' || Loads a mouse cursor from an external RML file. || 
     60|| ''Render()'' || Renders the context. || 
     61|| ''ShowMouseCursor()'' || Shows or hides the mouse cursor. || 
     62|| ''UnloadAllDocuments()'' || Unloads all loaded documents within the context. || 
     63|| ''UnloadAllMouseCursors()'' || Unloads all of the context's mouse cursors. || 
     64|| ''UnloadDocument()'' || Unloads one of the context's documents. || 
     65|| ''UnloadMouseCursor()'' || Unloads one of the context's cursors. || 
     66|| ''Update()'' || Updates the context. || 
     68== Creating contexts == 
     70Contexts can be created in Lua with the ''CreateContext()'' function in the ''rocket'' table. This function takes the name of the context as a string and the dimensions as a ''Vector2i'' type. 
     73new_context = rocket.CreateContext("hud",, 768)) 
     76== Accessing contexts == 
     78Existing contexts can be accessed in Lua via the contexts member on the rocket table. They can then be accessed via name or index. 
     81context = rocket.contexts["hud"] 
     84List all contexts 
     86for key,context in ipairs(rocket.contexts) do 
     87  print 
     90Because they are indexed by both integers and strings, the contexts exist twice in the table. If iterating over them, use ipairs() rather than pairs() to not iterate over duplicates.