Version 2 (modified by gambini, 5 years ago)

Differences between Python and Lua

Proxy Tables

See this wiki page for more information. Not exactly a difference with Python, but more of a "gotcha" if you iterate over tables without using pairs or ipairs. Which should be approximately nobody.


Instead of looking like C with local vec = Vector2i(3,5), types with constructors have a function named new that is not called from a specific object, but returns a new item with that type. The correct way is to do local vec =,5).


Of course, Lua is going to look different from Python because of how the language is written. Where Python uses the 'dot' notation for both calling functions and property access, it is different for Lua. Method calls in Lua use the 'colon' notation, and property access is done with the 'dot' notation. When looking at the API reference, almost everything is called from an actual object. Exceptions to that rule are constructors (new), Element.As, Log, DocumentFocus, and the rocket table.

Again, referencing the API reference, anything with a type to the left is a method and is called with the 'colon' notation from an object. Example, defining an inline event: onclick="document:Focus()". Anything in the API reference with NO type to the left, and a type in parenthesis to the right is a property and will be called with the 'dot' notation from an object. Building on the previous example defining an inline event: onclick="document:Focus() print("

As shown in the example with Focus and print, things in inline events do not have to be separated by semicolons like they do in Python, though it is not incorrect to do so.

Specific type and function differences

Colourb and Colourf in Lua have a rgba property, where Python does not.

Lua has no classes, and casting from one type to another is important. Casting an Element to one of its child classes is proved through the Element.As table. To convert an Element named ele to a child type (in this case, Document) looks like local doc = Element.As.Document(ele). No casting functionality is provided for other types.

The Log type/function is not defined in the rocket table like it is in Python. To print to the Log explicitly, you must call Log.Message. The global Lua function 'print' has been adapted to output to the Log, and otherwise acts the same as the vanilla "print" function.


The scope of functions declared anywhere is global, where in Python scripts in .rml files have their own environment. Because of this, beware of functions having the same name. To avoid this, put the functions in a table named after the file it is in (or any other unique name) or make Lua modules for the files (not available in Lua 5.2).