Changes from Version 1 of documentation/RCSS/Decorators

peterc (IP:
12/13/07 19:04:43 (10 years ago)



  • documentation/RCSS/Decorators

    v0 v1  
     1[[PageOutline(1-5, Contents)]] 
     2= Decorators = 
     4Decorators are an extension to CSS for RCSS. A decorator can be declared and named in a style sheet like a property, and then configured with decorator-specific properties. Custom decorator types can be developed to suit the needs of the user, and in this manner any kind of decoration can be applied to an element. 
     6'''Important:''' Note that decorators can only be declared and defined in style sheets, ''not'' in style defined inline to an element. 
     8== Declaring decorators == 
     10The declaration of a decorator is a property of the form: 
     13<name>-decorator: <type>; 
     16where <name> is the user-specified name of the decorator to declare, and <type> is the application-specific type of decorator. Rocket ships with the decorators 'image', 'tiled-box', 'tiled-horizontal' and 'tiled-vertical'. The decorator type 'none' is a reserved name that represents no decorator. For example, in the following: 
     21    icon-decorator: tiled-horizontal; 
     25the RCSS is attaching a decorator of type 'tiled-horizontal' called 'icon' to all 'button' elements. 
     27Decorator types can be overridden like any other property. So, in the example: 
     32    icon-decorator: image; 
     37    icon-decorator: none; 
     41all 'h1' tags will have an image decorator attached, except when they are being hovered, when the decorator will not be rendered. 
     43== Decorator properties == 
     45Decorators have their own property specifications with properties and shorthands, and these can be defined for declared decorators just like any other property. Decorator properties are set in the form: 
     48<decorator_name>-<property_name>: <property_value>; 
     51where <decorator_name> is the name the decorator was declared under, <property_name> is the name of the decorator's property to set, and <property_value> is the value of the property. For example: 
     56    icon-decorator: image; 
     57    icon-image-src: ../images/header_arrow.png; 
     58    icon-image-s-begin: 5px; 
     62an 'image' decorator is declared, called 'icon'. On this decorator, the properties 'image-src' is set to '../images/header_arrow.png' and the 'image-s-begin' is set to '5px'. The other properties in the 'image' specification are left to their defaults. 
     64The decorator properties behave like other properties, so are subject to precedence and the cascade. For example, if the following RCSS was loaded after the previous example: 
     69    icon-image-s-begin: 3px; 
     74    icon-decorator: none; 
     78all 'h1' tags will have their 'icon' decorators defined with an 's-begin' property of '3px' instead of '5px', and an 'h1' that is a first child will have no decorator. 
     80Be careful of name conflicts! For example, in the following sample: 
     85    icon-decorator: image; 
     90    icon-decorator: tiled-horizontal; 
     94an element of type 'h1' with a class of 'secondary' will have a single decorator, 'icon', of type 'tiled-horizontal'. If the decorators had different names then they both would be present. 
     96== Specifying render order == 
     98If an element has more than one decorator on it, you can use the 'z-index' decorator property to control the render order in a similar fashion to elements. For example, in this sample: 
     103    background-decorator: tiled-horizontal; 
     104    background-z-index: 0; 
     106    icon-decorator: image; 
     107    icon-z-index: 1; 
     111the 'icon' decorator will appear on top of the 'background' decorator. If no z-index is specified on a decorator, it will have the default z-index of 0. 
     113== Decorators and pseudo-classes == 
     115Because of the way Rocket compiles pseudo-class rules within style sheets, overriding decorator properties within dynamic pseudo-classes (:active, :hover and :focus, not any of the structural classes) might not always work the way you think it should. 
     117In a nutshell, each decorator will only process properties from their element's base rules (ie, those not specifying dynamic pseudo-classes in their final simple selector) and ''one'' rule specifying a dynamic pseudo-class (or classes), that with the highest specificity. For example, in the following sample: 
     122    background-decorator: tiled-horizontal; 
     123    background-image-src: ../button.png; 
     124    background-image-s-end: 128px; 
     129    background-image-t-begin: 32px; 
     130    background-image-t-end: 64px; 
     135    background-image-s-begin: 128px; 
     136    background-image-s-end: 256px; 
     140if both the 'hover' and 'active' pseudo-classes are active on a 'button' element, the image-s-begin / end properties from the 'active' rule will be set, but the image-t-begin / -end properties from the 'hover' rule will be ignored. The 'active' rule is used as it has higher precedence that the 'hover' rule, appearing further down the file. If you wanted both the s and t properties set, you could create another rule: 
     145    background-image-t-begin: 32px; 
     146    background-image-t-end: 64px; 
     147    background-image-s-begin: 128px; 
     148    background-image-s-end: 256px; 
     152== Rocket decorators == 
     154Rocket comes with several built-in decorators for displaying images and tiled images behind elements. 
     156=== The 'image' decorator === 
     158The 'image' decorator can render a single image or a rectangular subsection of a single image. It has the following properties: 
     161|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     162|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     163|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     165This property defines the name (and, for file sources, the relative path) of the source image. 
     167''image-s-begin'', ''image-t-begin'' 
     168|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     169|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     170|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     172''image-s-end'', ''image-t-end'' 
     173|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     174|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     175|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     177These values specify the texture coordinates to use when rendering the image. Values have the following meanings: 
     179 number:: 
     180   Expected to be a floating-point number from 0 to 1, this is the raw texture coordinate. 
     181 length:: 
     182   Expected to be expressed in 'px' units and from 0 to the length of the appropriate texture axis. The texture will be rendered from (for -begin) or to (for -end) this pixel. 
     183 percentage:: 
     184   The texture will be rendered from (for -begin) ot to (for -end) this far across the appropriate texture axis. 
     187A shorthand property for setting ''image-s-begin'' and ''image-s-end''. 
     190A shorthand property for setting ''image-t-begin'' and ''image-t-end''. 
     193A shorthand property for setting ''image-src'', ''image-s-begin'', ''image-t-begin'', ''image-s-end'' and ''image-t-end''. 
     196/* Declares an image decorator. */ 
     199    avatar-decorator: image; 
     200    avatar-image: player.png 0px 32px 32px 64px; 
     204The image will be stretched or shrunk to render across the entire padded area of an element it is attached to. 
     206=== The 'tiled-horizontal' decorator === 
     208The 'horizontal-tiled' decorator can render three images, or subsections of images, horizontally across an element. One image is placed on the left edge, another on the right edge, and the last is stretched or repeated across the middle. 
     211|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     212|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     213|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     215''left-image-s-begin'', ''left-image-t-begin'' 
     216|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     217|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     218|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     220''left-image-s-end'', ''left-image-t-end'' 
     221|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     222|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     223|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     225These properties specify the left image. They behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. 
     228|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     229|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     230|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     232''right-image-s-begin'', ''right-image-t-begin'' 
     233|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     234|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     235|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     237''right-image-s-end'', ''right-image-t-end'' 
     238|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     239|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     240|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     242These properties specify the right image. They behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. If only one side is defined, the other will be the horizontal mirror of it. At least one side must be defined. 
     245|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     246|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     247|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     250|| ''Value:'' || stretch | clamp-stretch | clamp-truncate | repeat-stretch | repeat-truncate || 
     251|| ''Initial:'' || stretch || 
     252|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     254Values have the following meanings: 
     256 stretch:: 
     257   The image will be stretched to fit the centre of the decorator. 
     258 clamp-stretch:: 
     259   The image will be clamped to the upper-left of the centre of the decorator. If the centre of the decorator is too small to fit the image, it will be scaled down to fit. 
     260 clamp-truncate:: 
     261   The image will be clamped to the upper-left of the centre of the decorator. If the centre of the decorator is too small to fit the image, it will be truncated. 
     262 repeat-stretch:: 
     263   The image will be repeated across the centre of the decorator. Any last repeat will be stretched across the remainder. 
     264 repeat-truncate:: 
     265   The image will be repeated across the centre of the decorator. The last repeat will be truncated. 
     267''center-image-s-begin'', ''center-image-t-begin'' 
     268|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     269|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     270|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     272''center-image-s-end'', ''center-image-t-end'' 
     273|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     274|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     275|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     277These properties specify the centre image. They behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. 
     280Shorthand for setting ''left-image-s-begin'' and ''left-image-s-end''. 
     283Shorthand for setting ''left-image-t-begin'' and ''left-image-t-end''. 
     286A shorthand property for setting ''left-image-src'', ''left-image-s-begin'', ''left-image-t-begin'', ''left-image-s-end'' and ''left-image-t-end''. 
     289Shorthand for setting ''right-image-s-begin'' and ''right-image-s-end''. 
     292Shorthand for setting ''right-image-t-begin'' and ''right-image-t-end''. 
     295A shorthand property for setting ''right-image-src'', ''right-image-s-begin'', ''right-image-t-begin'', ''right-image-s-end'' and ''right-image-t-end''. 
     298Shorthand for setting ''center-image-s-begin'' and ''center-image-s-end''. 
     301Shorthand for setting ''center-image-t-begin'' and ''center-image-t-end''. 
     304A shorthand property for setting ''center-image-src'', ''center-image-repeat'', ''center-image-s-begin'', ''center-image-t-begin'', ''center-image-s-end'' and ''center-image-t-end''. 
     306The decorator renders across the padded area of its element. 
     308=== The 'tiled-vertical' decorator === 
     310The 'tiled-vertical' decorator can render three images, or subsections of images, vertically across an element. One image is placed on the top edge, another on the bottom edge, and the last is stretched or repeated across the middle. 
     313|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     314|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     315|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     317''top-image-s-begin'', ''top-image-t-begin'' 
     318|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     319|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     320|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     322''top-image-s-end'', ''top-image-t-end'' 
     323|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     324|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     325|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     327These properties specify the top image. They behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. 
     330|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     331|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     332|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     334''bottom-image-s-begin'', ''bottom-image-t-begin'' 
     335|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     336|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     337|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     339''bottom-image-s-end'', ''bottom-image-t-end'' 
     340|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     341|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     342|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     344These properties specify the bottom image. They behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. If only one side is defined, the other will be the vertical mirror of it. At least one side must be defined. 
     347|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     348|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     349|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     352|| ''Value:'' || stretch | clamp-stretch | clamp-truncate | repeat-stretch | repeat-truncate || 
     353|| ''Initial:'' || stretch || 
     354|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     356''center-image-s-begin'', ''center-image-t-begin'' 
     357|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     358|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     359|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     361''center-image-s-end'', ''center-image-t-end'' 
     362|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     363|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     364|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     366These properties specify the centre image. They behave similarly to the centre properties in the 'horizontal-tiled' decorator. 
     369Shorthand for setting ''top-image-s-begin'' and ''top-image-s-end''. 
     372Shorthand for setting ''top-image-t-begin'' and ''top-image-t-end''. 
     375A shorthand property for setting ''top-image-src'', ''top-image-s-begin'', ''top-image-t-begin'', ''top-image-s-end'' and ''top-image-t-end''. 
     378Shorthand for setting ''bottom-image-s-begin'' and ''bottom-image-s-end''. 
     381Shorthand for setting ''bottom-image-t-begin'' and ''bottom-image-t-end''. 
     384A shorthand property for setting ''bottom-image-src'', ''bottom-image-s-begin'', ''bottom-image-t-begin'', ''bottom-image-s-end'' and ''bottom-image-t-end''. 
     387Shorthand for setting ''center-image-s-begin'' and ''center-image-s-end''. 
     390Shorthand for setting ''center-image-t-begin'' and ''center-image-t-end''. 
     393A shorthand property for setting ''center-image-src'', ''center-image-repeat'', ''center-image-s-begin'', ''center-image-t-begin'', ''center-image-s-end'' and ''center-image-t-end''. 
     395The decorator renders across the padded area of its element. 
     397=== The 'tiled-box' decorator === 
     399The 'tiled-box' decorator can render nine images, or subsections of images, across an element. One image is placed in each of the element's corners, one each stretched or tiled along the edges, and another stretched across the middle. 
     402|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     403|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     404|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     406''top-left-image-s-begin'', ''top-left-image-t-begin'' 
     407|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     408|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     409|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     411''top-left-image-s-end'', ''top-left-image-t-end'' 
     412|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     413|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     414|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     416These properties specify the top-left corner image. They behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. 
     419|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     420|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     421|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     423''top-right-image-s-begin'', ''top-right-image-t-begin'' 
     424|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     425|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     426|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     428''top-right-image-s-end'', ''top-right-image-t-end'' 
     429|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     430|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     431|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     433These properties specify the top-right corner image. They behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. 
     436|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     437|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     438|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     440''bottom-left-image-s-begin'', ''bottom-left-image-t-begin'' 
     441|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     442|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     443|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     445''bottom-left-image-s-end'', ''bottom-left-image-t-end'' 
     446|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     447|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     448|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     450These properties specify the bottom-left corner image. They behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. 
     453|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     454|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     455|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     457''bottom-right-image-s-begin'', ''bottom-right-image-t-begin'' 
     458|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     459|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     460|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     462''bottom-right-image-s-end'', ''bottom-right-image-t-end'' 
     463|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     464|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     465|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     467These properties specify the bottom-right corner image. They and behave similarly to the properties in the 'image' decorator. 
     470|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     471|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     472|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     475|| ''Value:'' || stretch | clamp-stretch | clamp-truncate | repeat-stretch | repeat-truncate || 
     476|| ''Initial:'' || stretch || 
     477|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     479''top-image-s-begin'', ''top-image-t-begin'' 
     480|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     481|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     482|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     484''top-image-s-end'', ''top-image-t-end'' 
     485|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     486|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     487|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     489These properties specify the top edge image. They behave similarly to the centre properties in the 'horizontal-tiled' decorator. 
     492|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     493|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     494|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     497|| ''Value:'' || stretch | clamp-stretch | clamp-truncate | repeat-stretch | repeat-truncate || 
     498|| ''Initial:'' || stretch || 
     499|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     501''right-image-s-begin'', ''right-image-t-begin'' 
     502|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     503|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     504|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     506''right-image-s-end'', ''right-image-t-end'' 
     507|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     508|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     509|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     511These properties specify the right edge image. They behave similarly to the centre properties in the 'vertical-tiled' decorator. 
     514|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     515|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     516|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     519|| ''Value:'' || stretch | clamp-stretch | clamp-truncate | repeat-stretch | repeat-truncate || 
     520|| ''Initial:'' || stretch || 
     521|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     523''bottom-image-s-begin'', ''bottom-image-t-begin'' 
     524|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     525|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     526|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     528''bottom-image-s-end'', ''bottom-image-t-end'' 
     529|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     530|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     531|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     533These properties specify the bottom edge image. They behave similarly to the centre properties in the 'horizontal-tiled' decorator. 
     536|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     537|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     538|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     541|| ''Value:'' || stretch | clamp-stretch | clamp-truncate | repeat-stretch | repeat-truncate || 
     542|| ''Initial:'' || stretch || 
     543|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     545''left-image-s-begin'', ''left-image-t-begin'' 
     546|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     547|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     548|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     550''left-image-s-end'', ''left-image-t-end'' 
     551|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     552|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     553|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     555These properties specify the left edge image. They behave similarly to the centre properties in the 'vertical-tiled' decorator. 
     558|| ''Value:'' || <string> || 
     559|| ''Initial:'' || not defined || 
     560|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     563|| ''Value:'' || stretch | clamp-stretch | clamp-truncate | repeat-stretch | repeat-truncate || 
     564|| ''Initial:'' || stretch || 
     565|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     567''center-image-s-begin'', ''center-image-t-begin'' 
     568|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     569|| ''Initial:'' || 0 || 
     570|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     572''center-image-s-end'', ''center-image-t-end'' 
     573|| ''Value:'' || <number> | <length> | <percentage> || 
     574|| ''Initial:'' || 1 || 
     575|| ''Percentages:'' || N/A || 
     577These properties specify the center image. They behave similarly to the centre properties in the 'tiled-horizontal' decorator. 
     580Shorthand for setting ''top-left-image-s-begin'' and ''top-left-image-s-end''. 
     583Shorthand for setting ''top-left-image-t-begin'' and ''top-left-image-t-end''. 
     586A shorthand property for setting ''top-left-image-src'', ''top-left-image-s-begin'', ''top-left-image-t-begin'', ''top-left-image-s-end'' and ''top-left-image-t-end''. 
     589Shorthand for setting ''top-right-image-s-begin'' and ''top-right-image-s-end''. 
     592Shorthand for setting ''top-right-image-t-begin'' and ''top-right-image-t-end''. 
     595A shorthand property for setting ''top-right-image-src'', ''top-right-image-s-begin'', ''top-right-image-t-begin'', ''top-right-image-s-end'' and ''top-right-image-t-end''. 
     598Shorthand for setting ''bottom-left-image-s-begin'' and ''bottom-left-image-s-end''. 
     601Shorthand for setting ''bottom-left-image-t-begin'' and ''bottom-left-image-t-end''. 
     604A shorthand property for setting ''bottom-left-image-src'', ''bottom-left-image-s-begin'', ''bottom-left-image-t-begin'', ''bottom-left-image-s-end'' and ''bottom-left-image-t-end''. 
     607Shorthand for setting ''bottom-right-image-s-begin'' and ''bottom-right-image-s-end''. 
     610Shorthand for setting ''bottom-right-image-t-begin'' and ''bottom-right-image-t-end''. 
     613A shorthand property for setting ''bottom-right-image-src'', ''bottom-right-image-s-begin'', ''bottom-right-image-t-begin'', ''bottom-right-image-s-end'' and ''bottom-right-image-t-end''. 
     616Shorthand for setting ''top-image-s-begin'' and ''top-image-s-end''. 
     619Shorthand for setting ''top-image-t-begin'' and ''top-image-t-end''. 
     622A shorthand property for setting ''top-image-src'', ''top-image-repeat'', ''top-image-s-begin'', ''top-image-t-begin'', ''top-image-s-end'' and ''top-image-t-end''. 
     625Shorthand for setting ''right-image-s-begin'' and ''right-image-s-end''. 
     628Shorthand for setting ''right-image-t-begin'' and ''right-image-t-end''. 
     631A shorthand property for setting ''right-image-src'', ''right-image-repeat'', ''right-image-s-begin'', ''right-image-t-begin'', ''right-image-s-end'' and ''right-image-t-end''. 
     634Shorthand for setting ''bottom-image-s-begin'' and ''bottom-image-s-end''. 
     637Shorthand for setting ''bottom-image-t-begin'' and ''bottom-image-t-end''. 
     640A shorthand property for setting ''bottom-image-src'', ''bottom-image-repeat'', ''bottom-image-s-begin'', ''bottom-image-t-begin'', ''bottom-image-s-end'' and ''bottom-image-t-end''. 
     643Shorthand for setting ''left-image-s-begin'' and ''left-image-s-end''. 
     646Shorthand for setting ''left-image-t-begin'' and ''left-image-t-end''. 
     649A shorthand property for setting ''left-image-src'', ''left-image-repeat'', ''left-image-s-begin'', ''left-image-t-begin'', ''left-image-s-end'' and ''left-image-t-end''. 
     652Shorthand for setting ''center-image-s-begin'' and ''center-image-s-end''. 
     655Shorthand for setting ''center-image-t-begin'' and ''center-image-t-end''. 
     658A shorthand property for setting ''center-image-src'', ''center-image-repeat'', ''center-image-s-begin'', ''center-image-t-begin'', ''center-image-s-end'' and ''center-image-t-end''. 
     660The decorator renders across the padded area of its element.