Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of documentation/tutorials/Dragging

peterc (IP:
03/13/08 12:31:42 (9 years ago)



  • documentation/tutorials/Dragging

    v11 v12  
    9191        if (event == "dragdrop") 
    9292        { 
    93                 Rocket::Core::Element* container = event.GetCurrentElement(); 
     93                Rocket::Core::Element* dest_container = event.GetCurrentElement(); 
    9494                Rocket::Core::Element* drag_element = static_cast< Rocket::Core::Element* >(event.GetParameter< void* >("drag_element", NULL)); 
    9696                drag_element->GetParentNode()->RemoveChild(drag_element); 
    97                 container->AppendChild(drag_element); 
     97                dest_container->AppendChild(drag_element); 
    9898        } 
    102 The container that received the drop is determined by ''event.GetCurrentElement()''. Events have both a target and a current element. The ''target element'' is the element the event was actually targetted at. The ''current element'' is the element the processing listener is observing; in our case, the container. 
    104102The dragged element is simply removed from its old parent and attached to the container it was dropped onto. 
    116114[[Image(tutorial_drag_2.jpg, nolink)]] 
     118== Step 4: Sorting == 
     120Currently, regardless of where you drag an item to it will end up as the last item in the window. It would be great if you could sort the items within a window by dragging them on top of each other. To do this, the ProcessEvent() function will need to determine both the container and the item within that container an element was dragged onto. 
     122Easy! We've attached as a 'dragdrop' listener to the item containers. This means we'll be notified whenever the 'dragdrop' event is sent to the containers or any of their children (i.e., their items). Each event has a ''target'' element and a ''current'' element. The target element is the element the event was actually targetted at; in the case of 'dragdrop', the element that was dropped on. The current element is the element the processing listener is observing; in our case, the container. 
     124So we can find the destination item and container with the following: 
     127void DragListener::ProcessEvent(Rocket::Core::Event& event) 
     129        if (event == "dragdrop") 
     130        { 
     131                Rocket::Core::Element* dest_container = event.GetCurrentElement(); 
     132                Rocket::Core::Element* dest_element = event.GetTargetElement(); 
     133                Rocket::Core::Element* drag_element = static_cast< Rocket::Core::Element* >(event.GetParameter< void* >("drag_element", NULL)); 
     136If the dragged item is dropped directly onto a container, then the current and target elements will be the same. In this case, we want to keep the old processing: 
     139                if (dest_container == dest_element) 
     140                { 
     141                        // The dragged element was dragged directly onto a container. 
     142                        drag_element->GetParentNode()->RemoveChild(drag_element); 
     143                        dest_container->AppendChild(drag_element); 
     144                } 
     147Otherwise, we want to insert the item into its new container ''before'' the item it was dragged onto. 
     150                else 
     151                { 
     152                        // The dragged element was dragged onto an item inside a container. In order to get the 
     153                        // element in the right place, it will be inserted into the container before the item 
     154                        // it was dragged on top of. 
     155                        Rocket::Core::Element* insert_before = dest_element; 
     157                        drag_element->GetParentNode()->RemoveChild(drag_element); 
     158                        dest_container->InsertBefore(drag_element, insert_before); 
     159                } 
     162Run the app again and try it out. All good, except try dragging an item onto another item within the same window; in this case, it should be inserted ''after'' the element it is dragged onto, not before. So, just fix that up in the event handler and you're done! 
     164You can find the fully-completed source in the drag sample.