Version 1 (modified by lloydw, 10 years ago)




Python property Brief description Equivalent C++ functions
dimensions Gets/sets the dimensions of the context. GetDimensions(), SetDimensions()
documents Retrieves a document within the interface. GetDocument(), GetNumDocuments()
focus_element Retrieves the context's focus element. GetFocusElement()
name Retrieves the context's name. GetName()

Retrieving documents

The documents property on the context can be referenced in several ways. For example, as an array:

for document in context.documents:
	print document.title

index = 0
while index < len(context.documents):
	print str(index) + ": " + context.documents[index].title

Or as a dictionary, looking documents up by their ID:

	document = context.documents["highscores"]
except KeyError:
	print "No document found!"

Or accessing documents as attributes on the documents property itself:

	document = context.documents.highscores
except AttributeError:
	print "No document found!"


The following methods are exported from the C++ interface.

Python method Brief description
AddEventListener() Attaches an inline event listener to the root of the context.
AddMouseCursor() Adds a previously-loaded mouse cursor to the document.
CreateDocument() Creates a new document.
LoadDocument() Loads a document from an external RML file.
LoadMouseCursor() Loads a mouse cursor from an external RML file.
Render() Renders the context.
ShowMouseCursor() Shows or hides the mouse cursor.
UnloadAllDocuments() Unloads all loaded documents within the context.
UnloadAllMouseCursors() Unloads all of the context's mouse cursors.
UnloadDocument() Unloads one of the context's documents.
UnloadMouseCursor() Unloads one of the context's cursors.
Update() Updates the context.

Creating contexts

Contexts can be created in Python with the CreateContext() function in the Rocket module. This function takes the name of the context as a string and the dimensions as an Vector2i type.

new_context = rocket.CreateContext("hud", rocket.Vector2i(1024, 768))

Accessing contexts

Existing contexts can be accessed in Python with the GetContext() function in the Rocket module.

context = rocket.GetContext("hud")