Version 1 (modified by peterc, 10 years ago)


Alignment: the 'text-align' property


Value: left | right | center
Initial: left
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A

This property affects how inline boxes within a line box are aligned. Values have the following meanings:

The row of inline boxes are aligned against the left edge of the line box.
The row of inline boxes are aligned against the right edge of the line box.
The row of inline boxes are aligned in the centre of the line box.

Note that the 'justify' value is not yet supported in RCSS.


Underlining: the 'text-decoration' property


Value: none | underline
Initial: none
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A

Values have the following meaning:

Any text generated by this element has no additional decoration.
Any text generated by this element has an underline, with a thickness and position specified by the font.

The colour of any decoration is the same as the font colour. Note that 'overline' and 'line-through' is not yet supported in RCSS.

Text shadows: the 'text-shadow' property

Text can have a coloured shadow applied behind it. The shadow is defined by three variables: an offset along x, an offset along y, and a colour.

text-shadow-x, text-shadow-y

Value: <length>
Initial: 0px
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A

'text-shadow-x' and 'text-shadow-y' define the horizontal and vertical offset of the shadow from its text. If they are both '0' (the default), then no shadow will be rendered.


Value: <color>
Initial: black
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A

A shorthand for specifying all three shadow parameters at once.

/* Specify a grey text shadow on primary headings. */
    text-shadow: 2px 2px grey;

Note that in RCSS you can only specify a single text shadow, and shadow blurring is not yet supported.

Whitespace: the 'white-space' property


Value: normal | pre | nowrap | pre-wrap | pre-line
Initial: normal
Applies to: block-level elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A

This property defines how whitespace (any spaces, end-lines, carriage-returns and tabs) are processed in sections of text. Values have the following meanings:

Sequences of whitespace are collapsed down to single spaces. Lines are broken as necessary to fit line boxes. Line breaks in the source are ignored.
Sequences of whitespace are preserved. Lines are only broken where line breaks are present in the source.
Sequences of whitespace are collapsed. Lines are not broken.
Sequences of whitespace are not collapsed. Lines are only broken where line breaks are present in the source.
Sequences of whitespace are collapsed. Lines are broken to fit line boxes or where line breaks are present in the source.